8 Call 2 War

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On Monday morning, during homeroom, I handed Ji Woo's career form to Miss Yang. She took it and was surprised to see that I had succeeded in my mission. She proceeded to ask me questions about Ji Woo, to which I couldn't answer for obvious reasons.

But it was because of this, Miss Yang insisted that I get Ji Woo to return his other assignments as well. I told her to give it up and walked away. Honestly, with how Ji Woo was, it was almost impossible for me to get him to confess the truth. Even I had given up.

There was nothing else I could do. I tried reaching out to him. But if he wasn't letting anyone in, there was no point. I should look for other ways to prove my innocence.

I sighed. Urgh. Now, I'm back to square one. What else could I do-

My train of thought stopped when I realised two guys standing in my way. Urgh. What did they want now?

The guy on the right pointed at me. "You."

He stalked forward, so I took a step back. He kept doing that, as did I. Oh my gosh, boundaries please!

I even tried to swerve to the side to get around them but his friend blocked me as well. Seriously? What did they want?

"Tsk, hold still," he said, as he grabbed my wrist, pulling me closer.

He proceeded to breathe in my face.

"What the hell!" I exclaimed, shoving him back with all my strength. "What is wrong with you?!"

The guy stumbled back quite a bit. I was on guard now. He looked shocked for a moment before it was replaced by a scowl.

"What d'you do that for?" He asked.

Me? He was questioning me?!

"You were up in my face... Breathing on me!" I retorted, angrily.

"Well, you said my breath stunk," he snapped back.

"When the hell did I-" I stopped when the realization sunk in. I scowled. "That was ages ago! And why would you go around breathing in people's faces?"

"You... W-Well... it's only your face!" He replied. "You said it stank so... It doesn't now, does it? Hah!"

I glanced at their expressions. The guy on the right was beaming widely, as if having a decent smelling breath was a great accomplishment. Meanwhile, his friend looked somewhat embarrassed for him.

That seems about right. I would be embarrassed too, if my friend behaved like that.

"Is there a problem?" A deep voice spoke from my right.

The source of the voice walked towards the bad breath guy and the other guy. Oh, great. More people against me.

"Who the hell are you?" I questioned, eyeing him suspiciously.

He was no teacher so who was he to this guy to get all up in our business?

He was tall, with blond hair that was styled handsomely. His face was clear of any blemish and everything about him screams idol-in-training, even the way he wore his uniform.

But why would a trainee even be in this sort of shit school in the first place? That would be a marketing disaster. I concluded that he was just another punk who thought it would be cool to dye his hair.

He arched an eyebrow at me. "You don't know who I am?"

I assured him that I had no idea who he was. His friends gasped in disbelief. The blond dude simply held out a hand towards me, amused at my answer.

"I'm Sang Wook. Lee. Sang. Wook," he introduced, emphasising each word. "These are my close buddies. And you are?"

I ignored his hand and replied. "Kanzaki."

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