6 Eomma Porky (Porky's Mom)

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I looked at the time on my phone, counting down the minutes.

Alright, if I left now, I could probably make it for at least the last 30 minutes of Hagwon. 30 minutes is better than nothing. Uncle would be pissed at me if I had totally skipped.

I quickly gulped down the remainder of my drink and thanked Porky's family for the dinner before proceeding to rush out of their house, with no proper explanation. I ran to the bus stop, took the bus and made it just in time for 30 minutes of Hagwon.

After lessons, I didn't head back home. My three hour nap at Porky's house left me quite awake and not in the mood to study. Since I knew Uncle and his men had some urgent business to attend to today, I decided to have a little bit of fun. I headed to my favorite PC cafe to play Call 2 War.



I groaned. Who's phone was that?

"Hey! Shut it off! We're playing here!" Someone shouted.

I furrowed my head deeper into my arms trying to block out the noise. Why was it so dang loud?

"Oi! Shut it off!" The voice was right behind me.

The table shook beside me, a loud banging sound in my ears. I got up, disgruntled and glared at whoever had woken me. The person looked a bit taken aback, almost fearful, but he remained calm and pointed at something toward my left.


The sound was coming from my phone.

Oh. I snatched it and quickly turned off the 2am alarm. There were people staring in my direction but I didn't bother.

I rubbed my eyes, checking the time on my phone. Oh, crap. It was already 2.30 am. I checked my messages to see one from Uncle at 2.05 am.

Will be wrapping things up soon. Hope you're safe.

I quickly packed up my things and sprinted out of the PC cafe. There weren't any buses coming so I ran all the way home, silently hoping that I would return before Uncle.

Unfortunately for me, as I tiptoed my way into the apartment, the lights suddenly turned on. Uncle stood in the living room, still in his suit.

By the looks of it, he must have just gotten home. Well, crap.

He eyed my appearance, eyes narrowing. My uniform was untucked and wrinkled, my hair probably a mess from having fallen asleep on a desk.

"Are you just getting home?!" His voice was laced with anger and disbelief.

"Er... No. Was out for a... run," I lied hastily, not thinking it through.

At this point, I was tired, dripping with sweat and still quite groggy. It was almost 3am and honestly, I just wanted to lay in bed.

"You went for a run... WITH YOUR BACKPACK?!" He questioned, his voice raising.

Ah, shit.

"You went to the PC Cafe again, didn't you? Did you even go to hagwon today?" Uncle was interrogating me now, almost naggy.

I argued back that I did go to Hagwon. But Uncle was really not having it. I guess he had a bad time before this and me coming home late gave him all the more reason to take it out on me. Luckily for me, he wasn't in the mood to give me extra training. Unfortunately for me, he decided to punish me in a different way.

I was grounded. Which meant that he would send one of his men to chauffer me to and fro school, ensuring that I didn't go anywhere except the places he approved of. It didn't hit me until the next day, when I was forced to leave the house with the assigned guy.

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