ACT I - Part I

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Sigyn Iwaldidottir is dead. I know because I was there. I watched her die and now I have decided to document what came before her tragic demise. And what will come afterwards.

But first, we shall begin at the start, if you, the gracious reader shall follow me, the narrator as I walk you through the life of this young woman.

Now for the time being my identity is irrelevant but I am sure if you stay until the end all loose ends will be tied and everything will make much more sense.

So, let us begin with first act.

Act I - The Beginning

A young Sigyn stepped outside into the garden of her home on Vanheim. The young girl was only five years old in human years, meaning she was still naive and innocent. Vanheim was the next planet over from the famed Asgard. It was known for its dazzling beauty and breathtaking views. Vanheim was a unique place were the air tasted of honey and the mornings truly brought new opportunities for all of it's residents.

Sigyn had escaped her weary governess and was now wandering aimlessly among the flower beds admiring sweet smell and bright colours. The young girl was too caught up in her own world to notice the dark cloud that had descended upon the bright blue skys. Nor did she notice the the tall dark figure that stalked menacingly towards her.

In fact this seven foot tall embodiment of depression slipped the child's notice entirely until it stood right in front of her. The creature raised it's bony skeleton like hand above her head and began to lower it atop her forehead when the girl looked up.

She smiled. The figure was taken aback by her expression. Nobody had ever shown him any form of positivity before, it was..... odd. The infant plucked a white and yellow daisy from the bed beside her small feet and held it towards him. "You look sad" Sigyn decided. The creature warily reached out towards her and took the flower. The pure white petals immediately turned black and shrivelled up dead.

To his surprise, the girl simply giggled "you can do tricks" she exclaimed excitedly "my friend Loki can do tricks like that! He can even make fireworks come out of his hands!" The creature looked back down at the flower which was now dust in his hand. "I'm Sigyn" blabbed on the child "what's your name?"


Death looked back up at Sigyn "you are young" he told her "you are happy, this universe will break you, the only way to beat the horrors is to become the cause, you serve me now" he placed his large cold hand on her forehead before she could protest and let his cruel intentions finally seep into her innocent mind. The process was more difficult than Death had anticipated. There was a force inside of her that fought against him. There was power in this child. There was will. And now, there was evil.

"You will become my dark angel and together we will conquer this universe" he whispered into her ear as her mind collapsed to his will.

Sigyn collapsed to the ground. When she would wake hours later the nurse would inform that she had fainted from the heat and she would go about her life as normal, the only difference was that now she wore long sleeves to hide the black vein-like tendrils that snaked thier way down her arms and the tattoo spread across her back that depicted a set of ebony black wings that would come to life at her word.

Sigyn Iwaldidottir was no longer innocent, now she was the dark angel and it would ruin her so far pleasant life.

A year later Lavinia Iwaldidottir was born and the attention was shifted to the now youngest child. Sigyn grew extremely close to her elder brother Oliver, who was only two years older that her. But Oliver was never told of his sisters biggest secret. At aged eleven Sigyn was sent to a human school to study their magic forms under the name Sylvie Anderson. But it was really to get her out of the way.

While she was attending Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, she was sorted into the house of Slytherin and befriended a group of gryffindor boys known as the mauraders.

When she was seventeen she returned home to Vanheim where she was now of age to come out into society. Dolled up in a white dress she lined up in the palace with all the other girls her age and prepared to courtesy in front of the King and charm the Queen when the planet was attacked by a titan.

Every child across the galaxy had been told stories of the mad titan Thanos and his bloodlust. So it was an unpleasant surprise when he stepped off his ship, an army behind him, weapons ready to defeat the planet in its entirety. All because he believed that the royals held the map to the soul stone.

He attacked with out negotiation. His army of chitauri tearing apart the Vanheimian forces. The civilians present included the Iwaldison family bar Lavinia who had stayed home due to her age. During the first stages of the battle Sigyn attempted to steer clear of conflict but when she saw Oliver pinned to the ground with a chitauri soldier holding its spear to his throat she could no longer simply observe.

Rushing to her brothers aid, the teenager attempted to fight of the soldier. What happened next was a daze to her. There was a searing pain throughout her body and then an explosion of light before darkness.

When she opened her eyes, Sigyn opened her eyes she found herself standing in a circle of dead bodies. Chitauri and Vanheimian alike. Oliver stared at her with wide eyes while others stared with fear and rage. Only then did she realise that her wings her out, hastily concealing them, she attempted to run. But the Crowd closed in.

They began to yell furiously, the secret was out. Now one thing you must understand is that nobody quite knew the extent of the dark Angel's abilities. So when the golden light was released form the girl, people only saw the flash of black wings and dark veins on her arms. The golden sorceress was a myth, said to defeat the dark angel, very few believed in her existence.

At aged fifteen, while attending hogwarts, Sigyn became aware of her other powers. After several hours of research she came to the dreaded conclusion that she was in fact the golden sorceress, meaning that she was sworn to fight her self until the end of time, or until one was destroyed. Her soul was not whole, it was tearing itself apart since she was five years old.

Sigyn called out for her mother as she was dragged away but the woman just watched on, ashamed.
She was charged with the murder of fifty soldiers and treason to the crown.

Her sentence was death.

At six o'clock the next morning Sigyn stepped out onto the streets of Vanheim, where the air tasted of honey and the flowers smelled sweet. Except this time the crowds lined the roads jeering at her as she was lead to the town square where a large wooden beam stood surrounded by fire wood.

As they tied her to the beam she saw her family standing afar, watching. Oliver struggled against soldiers screaming that she was only a child, begging then to stop. Again, her mother stood silent while Lavinia watched on in fear of the people yelling at her sister, confused as of the events.

The match was lit and dropped at her feet and the crowd still yelled. Sigyn tines out the people and closed her eyes with her head tilted back. She felt the flames licking her feet and rose up her legs. The white dress became blackened with soot. The heat beat down on her face, her breathing quickened with fear as she opened her eyes and glanced down at the fire.

She looked back up at the crowd one more time as the flames reached her upper torso. She made eye contact with her brother and let a single solemn tear escape from her eye. A golden tear. The realization barely hit Oliver as his sister let out a sharp gasp and the flames consumed her entirely.

The dark angle was feared the golden sorceress was a myth. Her most distinguishable feature was the fact that she cried golden tears. Only one other person saw the tear and that was the man who lit the match. He was not a man to believe in myths and stories but that tear would haunt him for the rest of his miserable days.

Words - 1483

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