ACT I - Part III

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While early life was not positive for the young girl, things began to look up after her sixth year of life.


When she was seven years old, the Iwaldison family hosted their first ball in Sigyn's lifetime. The preparations took days. Days in which Sigyn and Oliver hid behind vases the same height as them and watched the servants set out the tables full of gourmet food and lay the carpets, the side tables that held the dance cards and of course the flowers.

The two children often snuck into the kitchen and stole a pastry or two before they were shooed out like an irritable fly. There was also occasional visits to the nursery to see their now two year old sister. Lavinia had stopped the constant whining which everyone in the house was grateful for.

By nightfall both siblings were dressed up in all their finery and on display for the guests to ooh and ah over. But the one part on the night Sigyn and Oliver were particularly looking forward to was the arrival of the Asgardian royals. Iwaldi, Sigyn's father, had been on the king's council when he was alive which meant that the family was close friends with the royal family of Vanaheim and Asgard alike.

The two prince's were the same ages as Sigyn and Oliver and often played together from an early age. The moment the Asgardians entered all composure was lost as Oliver and Thor ran off to look at something or other, Sigyn wasn't listening.

Quickly grabbing the youngest princes hand she rushed outside to the stone steps that led down the the garden. There was a few men drinking and smoking outside the doors who ignored the young children to continue their conversations. The two ran out to the spot where they always went during social occasions. There was tall oak tree that stood high in the garden, climbing to one of the top branches, they would watch through the large windows as the events commenced. When they reached the tree they climbed it without hesitation quickly scaling it to the top and settling on the branch they had claimed as 'their spot'.

inside they could see the ball, awestruck by all the bright colours, the feathered dresses and velvet suits the took over the floor demanding attention from the occupants. The two children hid themselves carefully behind the leaves of the tree to ensure they were not spotted. those few minutes were spent chattering excitedly about all that had happened since they had last spoken.  The friends were interrupted by a voice from the bottom of the tree "Oi what are you doing up there?" Sigyn recognized the voice as the family's gardener, Mr. Creel.

Loki and Sigyn hastily scrambled down and met the man with sheepish smiles as if to imply that they were entirely innocent. Mr. Creel raised his eyebrows expectantly as he awaited an explanation. "Shouldn't you two be inside? Your parents will be looking for you" he persisted "but it was soooooo boring" Sigyn whined, the man laughed slightly "c'mon, get back inside before you get in trouble, its only a few more hours" the young girl sighed dramatically but didn't argue any further. When they returned to the ball they saw that Oliver and Thor had already been dragged back into the ball. 

"There you are" came a soft voice from behind them. The friends turned to see Loki's mother Frigga behind them. Sigyn had always liked Frigga, it was impossible not to. Her eyes were soft and her tone gentle even when she was scolding them for getting into some new kind of mischief. Frigga knelt to the children's height and began to fix Loki's small tie as she spoke. "We have been looking all over for you two" she finished with the tie and moved on to Sigyn's hair. 

The moment was disrupted by lady Iwaldi who rushed over tp the scene and promptly dragged her daughter back with her. "oh look at you" she sighed "such a mess, there is important people here tonight, people with money, people you must impress if you have any chance of marrying rich" "marrying?" Sigyn repeated, pulling a face. Her mother stopped fussing and looked up at her daughter "yes marrying you foolish child, you are a young girl from a respectable family, you hardly thought you were going to carry on recklessly like this for the rest of your life now did you?" "no" she mumbled in response, ashamed that she had dared speak back at the woman.

"Now" her mother continued standing up  " I must speak to you later about a school I found on earth that will be suitable for your studies in magic, its not for a few years but I thought I ought  to mention it all the same." Before the young girl even began to question her mothers talk of a school, the woman speed away to talk to some other duke or lord or some one high up in society probably. Sigyn was left to simply 'sit and look pretty' as her mother put it, for the rest of the night. She later interrogated Oliver on the school matter and found out she was to be sent to a boarding school on earth to study human Magic.

And so at the age of eleven, Sigyn Iwaldidottir was shipped off the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.  

I'm finally done with my exams so updates might be more frequent than once a week. Also i was recently informed by my sister that Sigyn is in fact not pronounced sigh (as in 'he said with a sigh) anne (like the name e.x. Anne Hathaway) like i was saying it (sigh-anne) which was a bit of a shock, anyway that irrelevant. I just re-read ATYD i don't know what possesed me to do that but i spent the last half hour sobbing. Let me know if you liked this chapter, we're finally getting to hogwarts so that will be fun! Vote if u want, bye.

Also, 25 years today, rip Sirius black you never got to listen to taylor swift.

- Anna 

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