ACT I - Part VII

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Killian Creed liked to believe that he was a stubborn man. He was wrong. Having known the Iwaldison children since he was a young boy, they had practically grown up together. Oliver was his constant companion around the grounds, being the only boys in the house and roughly the same age they were inseparable. Sigyn had been the younger sister trailing along on the boys daring adventures, a comfortable constant in his life. So when Killian was suddenly faced with the preposterous idea that he may see the middle Iwaldison sibling as something more than a friend he was unsure how to process the information.

Laying face down on his bed in the small gatekeepers cottage that he had shared with his father before the mans death, Killian let out a dramatic groan and pulled the pillow out from below his face and threw it at the desk at the other end of the room, obscured by the ceiling tilting downwards towards it. The pillow hit a stack of papers knocking them over, the top of pile held a handwritten letter, scrawled in Sigyn's messing handwriting wishing him a pleasant seventeenth birthday. It had been sitting there since February, too important to discard. Perhaps this attraction went on longer than he thought, prior to him coming across her soaking wet and half naked in the gardens.

Sitting up and deciding that that was enough of the wallowing in self pitting for today, Killian quickly pulled on a t-shirt and trousers. He had retrieved his coat from the wall where he had left it, assuming that Sigyn had returned it, he was slightly upset by the fact that he had missed her but also grateful to avoid the awkward encounter.  When he stepped outside, the crisp night air hit him in the form of a cool and welcomed breeze after the heat wave the world had experienced in the past few weeks.

Walking along the path, the young man fought the urge to simply lay there on the cold gravel and stare at the stars shining above in all thier glory down on the creatures of the universe. Just as the urge was about to overcome him, having already knelt down, his palm pressed down firmly on the path, evaluating it as a suitable mattress he has intrupted by a remark made by in an amused tone by a fellow pedestrian. "It seems I'm not the only one who chose curious resting places today" he looked up to see Sigyn approaching him with a smirk playing on the corners of her lips. Killian looked up, his cheeks immediately reddened when he noticed that she wore nothing but a white night dress and and silk nightgown, her feet were bare. Why could she never be fully cloth when they meet? It was making things extremely hard for him.

He stood up quickly stood up, clearing his throat and nearly tripping in the process. Sigyn rapidly extended and arm and caught his, bringing the two significantly closer than before. In an attempt to distract his mind from the mint smell of her breath on his cheek or the bodies heat she emitted, he looked down at the ground. Hazel eyes feel on the pale white feet below him. There was a small scar on her left foot, extending from the bottom of the large toe all the way to the ankle. The scar was faded now but was engraved in his mind along with the beauty mark that sat on her collar bone, a detail he noticed in the garden.

"I... um" he began "I was just um, i was just checking tue gravel to make sure it" He finished his sentence with a questioning tone as though he were unsure whether she would believe it. Sje did not. "Secure?" She repeated with a raised eyebrow "yeah, uh yes it's very dangerous you know, when it loose" he replied, flailing his hands around aimlessly, too demonstrate the loose stones. The smirk that had been sitting there threatening to come out, released itself on its entirety taking over Sigyn's face as she tried desperately not to burst into laughter at his lame excuse.

"Well" Sigyn said, meeting Creeds' eye "it looks plenty secure to me" he simply nodded, desperate to get away as soon as possible from the woman whom he could no longer think straight around. She glanced back at the dimly lit drive to the house at the end and back at him. "I better be getting back...." "oh, um yeah, go ahead... I'll see you around I guess" Sigyn let a small smile grace her lips "I guess I will" she turned and ran hastily back towards the house as the lanterns began to quench.

Killian stood and watched her silhouette disappear into the other shadows, swallowed by the velvet black of the darkness. He turned and walked back towards the small bungalow, ready to lie alone consumed by late night thoughts.

Late night thoughts of her.


Sigyn rushed back to the house with blushed cheeks and a frenzy of thoughts running through her head.

She had decided last minute, when she was wearing her pyjamas already, to go for a late night stroll. A decision she almost immediately regretted. Only five minutes in she spotted a figure kneeling on the path, seemingly inspecting the gravel. Upon closer inspection the figure was revealed to inspection she found it to be none other than the man she had spent her afternoon avoiding. Killian Creed.

Before she could stop herself a smart comment had slipped from her tongue. She internally cursed her self. She should be back at the house preparing for the cousins arrival in the morning but no, she was out here having meet cutes with the gardener. Typical. What was worse, in n her eyes, was that when the man made a sorry excuse he almost laughed at him. Laughed. How utterly humiliating that would have been for both of them. So when the opportunity finally came to excuse herself she snatched it up like a hungry dog with a bone bolting home, forgetting her lack of shoes she now had several small stones embedded in her heel.

Sigyn reached the house and burst through the door, ignoring her brothers questioning glance she rushed up the stairs, collapsed on her bed with a yell of frustration. Why him? Why, out of all people, did it have to be Killian? He was just so clumsy and.... and tall and good looking and..... no. No. No. Her mother would never approve anyway, he simply wasn't rich enough nor did he inherit any land from his father. What a stupid system.

The cousin probably had money and land though, at least that's why Sigyn suspected his visit was for. Even if he was almost a decade older than her. Rolling over and facing her ceiling Sigyn found herself wondering what her school companions would say to her if they were here. James and Sirius would just relentlessly tease her to the point of submission, Remus might actually be helpful in offering some form of advice while Peter would just nervously ask to be left out of the conversation.

Grabbing a pillow, Sigyn held it over her face and groaned in annoyance. What a predicament. Falling for the gardener whilst being set up with a twenty six year old man at only seventeen. What a predicament indeed.

Early chapter, yay!
I have to get a two hour plane, a fourth minute bus and a three hour care ride tomorrow starting at 11 at night and then get up at nine the next morning to leave home again so there probably won't be an update for a while this week. On the bright side I might be going to see Thor 4 on Wednesday so yay.

Hope you enjoyed ig.

- Anna.

1320 words.

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