ACT I - Part VI

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The part after this is the chapter before (if that makes sense) like
Part V
Part VI
So you have to skip to the next chapter now and then come back.

The summer after school was a eventful one to say the least. It began with the usual leisurely days spent by the pool in the back or with walks around the grounds. This serenity was rocked when the lady of the household sent Oliver away to pick up a distant cousin. From what Sigyn could gather, his name was Marshall Turner, a second cousin of her father's dead aunt.

Upon being informed of the cousins visit, Sigyn had been instructed to remove herself from the house as the room was prepared. The heat of the day was unbearable as the girl walked through the fields behind the ugly grey bricked house.

She came to a stop at the large marble fountain in the centre of the garden. It could not be seen from the house as it was just around the corner from the main wall that separated the two fields. The sweltering heat beat down on her, combined with the burden of a corset she felt as though she might faint at any moment.

In a split second decision she reached her arms behind her back and began to undo the tie along the back. She pulled off the heavy garment leaving her standing in her light  white under dress with the cream corset over it. She decided to leave the corset on, it was slightly more bearable now that the dress was gone. She pulled off her shoes and socks and picked up her skirt. Gazing into the clear water she could make out the delicate paintings on the tiles at the bottom of the five foot depth. She stepped in, gasping at the shock of cold water but quickly sinking into the relief from the burning sun. She held her nose and let herself slip slowly below the glassy water.

The pure tranquility of it was breathtaking. The water surface settled leaving her gazing up at the slightly marred image of the blue sky. She watched as dark smudges made their way across the pastel canvas, she could not make out the details of thier feathers. After a moment she broke the surface gasping for air. She sat up, sitting still for a moment, watching the droplets of water slide down her legs effortlessly.

Eventually standing up, she stepped out. Examining her body from head to toe, she decreed that it might not have been a wonderful idea. She was now soaking wet, naked save for a now see through white dress and a cream corset. Her discarded clothing lay in the gravel on the path, still looking rather heavy for her liking. She glanced around and noticed a brown coat laying on the stone wall. She assumed it was Mr. Creed's son, as the gardener had not been replaced after his untimely death only his son provided as a substitute.

She rushed across the soft grass and grabbed the coat. It reached past  her knees, the belt was missing so she wrapped it around herself and secured it under her arm. Running back across the lawn, she grabbed the dress and bundled it up in her arms. Taking off towards the house, she stopped only once unable to resist the temptation of the bunch of wildflowers growing from cracks in the wall. Due to this detour, when Killian Creed, the old gardeners son ran into his old acquaintance running barefoot across the path wearing his coat and carrying a dress along with a bunch of wildflowers, he was confused to say the least.

"Where have you been, your mother's been looking for you all over...." he trailed off when he noticed her state. She smiled sheepishly at him hoping that he would not notice the water dripping from her dress or the fact that her long chestnut hair now hung heavy from her head in rats tails and had darkened due to the water. "Your sopping wet" he pointed out "yes" she confirmed "yes, I am" he studied her face for a moment "may I ask why?" Killian pushed "I.....I was in the fountain" she admitted " he raised an eyebrow and smirked as though he were amused by this statement.

"You were in the fountain" he repeated, she nodded. "And what possessed you to go into the fountain, fully clothe?" She thought for a moment, how odd would it sound if she told him that her only solution to the weather had been to go swimming in the fountain. "I can't explain that one" she said eventually. Taking his confusion as a chance to flee she ran off toward the house leaving Killian standing wondering if his old...... friend (?) had gotten more insane that she already was at that school.

He watched her race towards the house, leaving a trail of water on the gravel. Her hair hit off of her back wetting it even more but she didn't seem to notice the change. She reached the back door, it had been left open as a relief form the heat. She padded inside and up the cold stone steps leaving dark foot prints behind her. At the top of the stairs she was faced by her younger sister who was passing down the hallway. "Sigyn" she acknowledged, looking up at her elder sibling oddly "hello" Sigyn responded with a smile, refusing to explain her self again she rushed on past her sister and into her own room at the end of the hall.

The encounter in the gardens had left the young woman with a mix of em she was not familiar with, and did not enjoy, to say the least. She had never felt any attraction to Killian as long as she had known him so the fact that she had become flustered around him was not one she wished to acknowledge. This turmoil of thoughts was intrupted by a vicious knock on the door from her mother, informing her that she had come down with a terrible headache but Mr Turner and Oliver would be returning  soon so Sigyn must be prepared to welcome them alone.

Early update, I know, don't all rush to thank me at once *bows*.

Who is Eddie and why is everyone sad over him? Is he the chrissy wake up guy?

Some tourist told me yesterday that my English was really good. I'm pretty sure they were British judging by their accent, like hun open a history book and get back to me.

Anyway, here's the aesthetic I made for this book again 'cause i love it.

Anyway, here's the aesthetic I made for this book again 'cause i love it

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