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Dear Tony,

I really wish you were still here. I could really use some advice on girls, though I don't know if you'd be the best person to go to for that.

I'll just talk about it here and maybe it'll help. 

So I told you about my friend MJ in one of my other letters right? Well I kinda… Sorta, might have these… Weird feelings for her… I don't really know what they are… I just know that I feel… Different… Around her… I really like MJ. She's really pretty, and sometimes nice to the people that she likes, and she's funny, and smart, and interesting, and independent…

Anyways, I don't know what to do… Should I tell her? What if she thinks I'm weird and doesn't want to be my friend anymore? I don't think I could lose her as a friend…

I really wish you were here to help me… Nothing has been the same since you left… We really need you… I need you…

Morgan always says things like "When Daddy gets home we're going to have so much fun Petey!" And Pepper and I don't know what to say to her, she doesn't understand, she's only 4 and a half… How can we tell her that you're never coming back… I don't think I could handle seeing her cry… I would probably end up crying…

I should go before I start crying. Goodnight Tony. -Pete

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