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Dear Tony,

So much has happened that I don't even know where to begin. 

I found this Electric dude that tried to attack me but this sand dude stepped in and helped me and then Strange brought us back to the Sanctum and then I found the green dude with May and brought him back and Strange told me that all these guys die fighting their version of Spider-Man. 

Strange wanted to send them back to their worlds to die but I couldn't let that happen. I took the spell thing from Strange and we kinda fought and I trapped him in like a mirror dimension and stole the spell and his Sling Ring thing. I gave the spell to MJ and the ring to Ned for safekeeping. 

I released them and brought them back to Happy's condo, which is where May and I have been staying, and we started to try and cure the "villains"

We started with Doctor Octopus and using some of your tech we made a replacement inhibitor chip for his tentacles and cured him but as we were trying to cure the other ones Green Goblin took over Norman Osborn and Electro stole an Arc Reactor and drained the power and blasted Doc Ock out of the building and the Lizard dude, sand dude, and Electro escape while Green Goblin attacked me.

May tried to help by injecting him with the antidote but it didn't work and the building like exploded and May got hurt badly. She told me not to give up helping others despite all odds and told me that with great power comes responsibility. I had to leave before I could help her and I thought she died, but thankfully she didn't.

I went on top of Midtown, still thinking that May was dead and then MJ, Harley and Ned ended up joining me with two other guys who were me from other realities. Ned said that they had found them when they were trying to find me with Strange's sling ring. The other Peter's tried to console me about May and told me about how one of them lost his Uncle Ben and the other lost his MJ (who's name was Gwen).

I knew I had to cure the others for May so we all went down to one of the school labs to make cures, the other Peter's had fought the bad guys before so they knew what to do.

So after that, I called into the Daily Bugle to broadcast a message to lure the villains to the Statue Of Liberty. They came and attacked us. At first we were unable to coordinate effectively and we were overpowered. So we grouped up again and I appointed myself as the leader since this is my reality and we gave ourselves "code names" or whatever you want to call them so we could talk to each other without getting confused as to who they were talking to: I was Peter-One and the others were Peter-Two and Peter-Three. 

Anyways, we decided to cure one guy at a time. The lizard guy tried to attack Harley, Ned and MJ and I had to leave the others and go help them. Ned accidentally summoned Strange and he saw that my plan was working. He took the spell and the ring back and we cure most of everyone else. 

Strange was about to send everyone home but Green Goblin ambushed us and and took the spell but Strange and Doc Ock got it back but Osborn had put a bomb inside of the container and it exploded and released the unstable spell and tore the fabric of the universe apart and opened up the Multiverse. The blast caused MJ to fall from the Statue of Liberty and I dove to save her but Osborn knocked me away and Peter-Three and I guess he got emotional cause it reminded him of Gwen's death.

So I went and confronted Osborn alone… I know, it was stupid but I wanted revenge cause I though he had killed May, I attacked him and was going to kill him the same way he almost killed May but Peter-Two stopped me and told me that it wasn't worth it and then Osborn ended up stabbing him  though thankfully it wasn't fatal.

So Strange was struggling trying to hold the rifts together and intruders were already trying to get through, but I tried to get him to enact a new spell which would make everyone forget who I was, since it was the only way to fix it, but Harley said it was a dumb idea and to just redo the original spell so that everyone (Except for Harley, MJ, Ned, Pepper, May, Happy, Strange and any other Avengers) forgot that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

I said goodbye to Peter-Two and Peter-Three and they encouraged me to continue on as Spider-Man. 

Strange repaired the rifts with the new spell and successfully transported everyone back to their original universes.

So yeah, that's what's been happening with me… It's been… Weird. I'm gonna go to bed, I'm really tired.

Goodnight -Pete

~A/N~ So here is the end of the No Way Home letters. As you can see, I changed it so that May lived and that nobody forgot who Peter was because that's how the movie should have gone. I'm going to do one more letter and then that will be the end of Dear Tony, since I have no other ideas~

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