How it all began

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Two eight-year-old-children were cowering on the platform stiff from their shock, clinging to each other.

They just saw their family fall to their death after the rope snapped.

Slowly the boy stood up and began to climb down the ladder after muttering something to his sister. The girl followed him slowly with tears streaming down her face. Jack Haley was fast to react and hugged the two.

Both children were kneeling over their family's bodies still crying and clinging to them until an officer approached them slowly talking in a gentle tone. "Richard and Persephone Grayson?" The boy slowly nodded while the girl full out ignored him.

Commissioner Gordon knelt down, so he was at the same height as them, putting gently a hand on their shoulders. "Could you please come with me? I have a few friends who will take care of you for now." Richard and Persephone looked at Jack so he can tell them what to do since their parents told them not to talk to strangers.

The older man nodded, signaling them to go. Dick took his sisters hand in one and the commissioners in his other hand as they slowly made their way towards the police-car.

A Social worker took care of their whereabouts, but she took them into Juvie due to their gypsy-heritage.

Two weeks passed until everyone in Juvie heard a commotion at the front door. "Do you really think it is wise to have two eight-year-old-children who just lost their parents in here? I demand you to bring them immediately. Or my lawyers will have their fun here." A male voice threatened.

It wasn't loud or shouting, but that just made it more intimidating.

The woman at the front nodded while calling the twins who were brought by a guard. A man stood in front of them and smiled kindly as soon as he noticed the twins. His black hair shimmered slightly in the light and his blue eyes had a trusting gleam in them.

"Hello Richard and Persephone, I would like to adopt you and give you a home, if it is alright with you." They had confused looks with them. Both only understood a few words like 'home' and their names.

The twins had begun to learn English from their parents, but they didn't learn that much before the America-tour started. Their father may have been American but in the circus, they never really spoke English due to their mother's heritage and because most of the others usually spoke different languages.

Their faces held equal confusions while they tilted the heads slightly. A look of understanding crossed the man's face and he switched languages.

"Bună ziua Richard și Persephone, aș dori să vă adopte și să vă dau o casă, în cazul în care este în regulă cu tine."

Percy and Dicks eyes gleamed hopefully, and they nodded hesitantly. Bruce smiled happily and arranged everything with his lawyer and the receptions lady. Not even a few minutes later the three of them walked out towards a car.

"Numele meu este Bruce Wayne. Acesta este majordomul meu Alfred Pennyworth. Vă vom învăța limba engleză, astfel încât să puteți comunica cu toată lumea de aici." (My name is Bruce Wayne. This is my butler Alfred Pennyworth. We will teach you English so you can communicate with everyone here.)

As they reached a gigantic house Bruce led them inside. Percy never let go of Dick's had during their tour though the house.

Once the trio sat down in the Livingroom a tall black-haired boy came inside, he looked to be older than the twins, if his high was anything to go by. At first his face held a confused expression as he looked at the twins in front of him.

They both had black hair like him and Bruce. Their eyes however stood out. Percy's left eye was deep ocean-blue, and her right eye was sea-green. Dick's left eye was sea-green, and his right was ocean-blue.

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