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Everything went fine until summer came, August to be exact.

Two weeks before her fake birthday, Percy had a dream. It was different than the ones she had before. It didn't play in one location but at two locations at the same time it seemed. She saw herself fighting in New York with the campers while a much larger group of people were fighting on mount Othrys. She saw a blonde boy fighting Krios by himself and the people destroying the whole base. At the end a face and day was shown before she woke up.

It was Wally and the date of her fake birthday. Once she was awake a bit more, everything came rushing back to her.

The girl thought what that dream meant for hours until she settled with the most plausible answer: The Romans will attack mount Othrys at the day of her 'birthday' and succeed, meaning whether the war ended or not depended on whether she was able to fight Kronos or not.

It was not something she was thrilled about. She took out her phone and dialed Wally's number. He didn't pick up but not even five seconds later he sat in front of her waiting for her to begin to speak.

It was often like that. Even though all of them knew it was safe for them to use the phones, neither of the trio wanted to risk it out of costume and avoided talking over the phone for long.

They either send texts (sometimes for hours) or if one wanted to talk to Wally he didn't even pick up, just ran to where he thought the respective twin was.

(There were quite a few times the twins burst out laughing because Wally ran straight to where they weren't and had to call them to ask about their locations. One time he even searched the whole manor and flipped out as he didn't find anyone. Turns out they called him to tell him Bruce took them somewhere.)

Percy told him about her dream, but he didn't get her point. As he asked her about it, she had to restrain herself from facepalming.

"I need you to tell the romans that you had a dream about the legion attacking mount Othrys at the 18th this month and successfully destroying it. Tell them the legion must do it. While you are taking down the Titan's base, we, the Greeks, are defending Olympus and fighting Kronos. I suspect they will focus on us first because they think you romans don't really know what is going on. Do you understand now?"

Wally nodded sheepishly while rubbing his neck. "Sure thing. But what if they won't believe me?" To his surprise, or not, she already thought about that. (She was a bat after all) "I talked with lady Hestia. She said if the Praetors won't believe you she will come an tell them she sent you the dream. It is the only way we can be sure they will do this."

"Be safe. Please tell me somehow that you're safe after the whole thing." Wally's voice sounded unusual for him. It was full of concern and sadness.

He didn't want that for her. She was only twelve for the gods' sake. (Granted he was fourteen but still)

He'd prefer if she was just an ordinary girl from the circus that got taken in by a billionaire and dress up at night along with her twin instead of being responsible for the worlds fate.

Percy looked him in the eyes determined and honest. "I give my best. On both things. I'll find a way to tell you, but I can't promise anything." That was enough for him. It wasn't a promise, but he knew it was dangerous to make promises one wasn't certain they could keep.

Not once did she smile during their whole conversations, which was unusual for her. Percy normally joked even if they were in a serious situation. That only made it more important and serious that Wally thought at the beginning.

He agreed to her plan, telling her he'd tell the praetors in the evening when he planned on visiting his siblings anyway. Just then Percy's tense shoulders loosened, and a smile made its way onto her face.

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