🎶Do you want to destroy a building?🎶

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The three boys were mad at the adults for withholding information's. "When were ready? How will we ever be ready if they treat us like- like- sidekicks?" Wally asked angrily.

Aqualad just looked down. "My mentor, my king. I thought he trusted me." The speedster continued his rant. "Trust? They don't even trust us with the basics. Did you know about it?" He asked the birds who were uncharacteristically quiet. "No KF. We didn't. Even though we knew them for years now." Starling answered hating it to lie to them.

Aqualad asked what Cadmus was which brought a smirk to the twins faces again as they answered. "We don't know, but we can find out." They turned towards the computer where Starling continued after their first try failed.

"Wanna bet? Rob you're gonna make a frontal attack. I'm sneaking around the firewall." Wally looked at the fast-moving screen wide eyed. "Wow, how are you doing that?" Again, he got a simulant answer.

"Same system as the Batcave. Alright Project Cadmus Genetic Lab here in DC. That's all there is. But if Batman is suspicious maybe we should check it out."

The birds looked at each other and talked in, as Wally dubbed it, Bat-talk, discussing the best ways to get in there. They were interrupted by said speedster.

"Wait, are you going to Cadmus? Because if you're going, I'm going."

"We didn't come for a playdate."

This sentence convinced even Aqualad to go before they made their way. Once they reached the facility Wally raced forwards saving two scientists who were falling. But he ended up clinging to the edge of a windowsill trying not to fall two stories.

"So smooth." Star commented as she and her twin disappeared crackling once again.

Robin jumped over the fire car and helped Wally inside as Starling made her way in unnoticed to keep their cover as 'the boy wonder'. "Appreciated the help." Kaldur commented as he entered Cadmus where the bats were already hacking into the computers.

The four discovered a high-speed express elevator which was suspicious since it was only a two-story building. The Atlantean opened the door to reveal a deep abyss which explains the strange elevator. Robin shot his grappling hook into the celling before jumping down into the unknown.

Kaldur followed and Wally was about to do so as well but he noticed Starling looking panicked as she began to glide down the wall to the ground muttering in Greek.

The boy bent down to her pulling her into a warm hug. "Hey, it's alright. P, what's happening?"

What he got out of her didn't make any sense. "Eight months. Nine days. Greet the stars." The speedster thought for a moment realizing something bad must have happened in the months Percy was missing. Something that had to do with her fear from falling which slowly got better over the years.

He whispered soothing words in her ears. "Hey, it's alright, I got you. I'm not gonna let you fall." As the younger slowly began to calm down they stood up.

Wally motioned Percy to hold onto him from behind while he takes the rope and slowly lets them glide it down. She did as he said and felt safe. Her fear disappeared as she felt Wally holding her and she felt safe as the two glided down the rope.

As they reached the end Percy froze once again. There wasn't any ground beneath them. They had to swing towards the side. Starling nearly fell as Kid Flash grabbed the edge and froze.

Memories came back from her long fall to Tartarus. As her mind became clear again, she helped Robin to pass by the security systems.

Wally immediately rushed ahead happy he could move freely again and nearly got trampled by some kind of giant monster thingy. At the sight Starlings hand instinctively went to her pocket where Riptide waited.

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