Who are you?

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(This chapter and the one following are based of the story 'the sword of Hades' from the demigod files. I didn't want to exactly copy all conversations just as I didn't want to copy all descriptions to change them to third pov, so sorry if it seems rushed or you don't understand something. Honestly, there are maybe two or three moments in the two chapters that are important for the future.)

Sometime in December, as Percy and Wally were outside to play with the snow a loud bark was heard from behind them.

Dick was with Jason and Roy doing something inside. Both instantly turned around to face whatever it was. Percy's eyes grew wide as she saw Mrs. O'Leary. She put her dagger away again and ran towards her pet. Wally however pulled her back immediately. "Why in the world would you run straight towards it?" He looked at her like she was mad.

This confused Percy. Normally mortals would see a normal dog, a poodle in most cases. But it seemed like Wally could see her real form. Just them she noticed a strange golden knife in Wally's hand. Her eyes grew wide in realization. In a steady voice that didn't show her surprise, she answered him. "Calm down Wally, I promise you she is tame."

She whistled and the Hellhound excitedly bounced towards them. "Hey girl, what are you doing here?" The girl received a bark as if she could understand it. Wally still kept his distant. The monster may seem to like Percy, but he only had bad experiences with monsters and hellhounds.

He repeated various questions about the hellhound in Percy's arms over and over again but got shut up by the girl who help up one hand. "She wants to show me something. I promise to explain everything when I come back, but you will have to make a few explanations too. See you later!"

Before he could do anything, the girl climbed on the Hellhound's back and they turned into shadows.

Percy reappeared in an alley in New York. Percy's neck began to tickle, and she instantly put Zatara's charm for camp back on. She kept it with her all the time, like she did with the starling-charm.

Just as her appearance changed completely, a golden deer burst through some bushes, closely followed by a figure in a hooded parka with bow and arrow in their hands. Percy readied herself to attack the figure as they spoke up.


The girl, as Percy could tell from the voice, pushed the hood back, revealing a familiar girl. "Thalia!" Percy said. "What are you doing here?"

The huntress answered Percy as if it should have been obvious. "Following the golden deer. It's the sacred animal of Artemis. I figured it was some sort of sign. And, um..." She nodded nervously at Mrs. O'Leary. "You want to tell me what that's doing here?"

Percy totally forgot that Thalia wasn't a camper at camp and didn't meet quintus. She explained what happened the last summer and why she had a hellhound as a pet while the two animals played some strange game. The cousins talked about what was going on and some plans for dinner as the deer disappeared and a boy fell out of the darkness around them.

"Ow" he muttered. He was about twelve years old with dark hair. He wore an aviator's jacket, jeans, and a black T-shirt. A silver skull ring graced his right hand and a sword hung at his side. Percy frowned as she noticed the condition the boy was in.

"Nico?" she asked carefully.

He just scowled at them. "Why'd you bring me here? One minute I'm in New Orleans graveyard. The next minute- is this New York? What in Hades' name am I doing in New York?"

It took the girls a while but they managed to get Nico to calm.

Afterwards the three discussed why they were there. Their assumption was that Kronos had enough of trying to get them to join him and planned to kill them all together. However, they were interrupted as the ground began to rumble shortly before they fell into the darkness. The three fell but the next thing they knew was standing in a garden still screaming.

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