Secrets come out

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The twins entered Wayne manor only to be greeted by two worried big brothers. Both, Jason and Roy, were pacing in the Batcave waiting for their little siblings to come back home.

It was well past midnight and still not a word was heard from them or Batman. The moment the two entered followed by their father, both elder teens rushed towards to them, hugging them tightly. Percy swears, sometimes they act more like moms than big brothers. "We're fine." Percy assured them signing.

Surprisingly, not even Dick believed her.

He saw Percy's condition as they got out of the destroyed building. Bruce knelt in front of Percy and put a hand on her shoulder, looking her direct into the eyes. "Percy, what happened while you were away? Wally briefly said something about you nearly having a panic attack and after you and the boys came out of the crashed building you began to cough violently. That isn't good. Please tell me. I want to help you."

She looked everywhere but into the eyes of Bruce or her brothers. Percy knew, if she looked any of them into the eyes, she would spill everything. At that moment the girl's white streak decided to fall out of its hidden spot.

Percy couldn't get black dye yet to hide it. Till now she simply hid it under her black hair.

Jason went forwards, hugging his little sister tightly. He mumbled something into her ear. Even she could barely hear it. "Meet me on the roof later." Seeing her discomfort, none of them decided to bring the streak up directly. Percy hated the stern look Bruce gave her as he waited for an answer to his question.

Slowly she signed. Thinking carefully about each word. Dick said them out loud to make clear he understood everything. "There were a few complications on the quest. During one of these complications, I was stuck in a place where the air wasn't really good to breath. Since I got out of there, I had problems to breath properly."

She didn't say anymore. The scared look in her eyes caused them to be quiet and not to ask more of the questions they wanted to ask her about the last few months. After all she disappeared all of a sudden in November and then called Wayne manor once over a month ago.

Bruce's eyes softened as he saw his daughter's scarred look. "You don't have to say anything else if you don't have any other injuries or problems. But I will call Leslie to give you an all over checkup. Okay?" Percy nodded before leaving to get to bed.

Well, she said she'd go to bed, but she just went to the roof to watch the stars. Ever since Tartarus Percy couldn't sleep if she doesn't pass out from exhaustion.

The first time that happened, the others yelped in surprise and Percy woke up as she got dumped into the nearest source of water.

After Percy left the room the four remaining people exchanged worried looks. Percy got back from whatever happened just three days ago, crying slightly.

She didn't tell them anything about what happened other than that the romans and Greek made peace.

They planned on asking Wally to go to camp Jupiter soon to ask if they knew anything. Jason soon said he would go to bed as well and Roy left for the night. Although he would be back in the morning because of plans he and Jason made over the day.

Jason reached the roof to see Percy already sitting there. The girl looked at her favorite constellation, the huntress, otherwise known as Zoe Nightshade. "Bob says hello, Zoe." That confused the older teen a bit. Percy never said that in the past.

What surprised him was that she actually said it. She didn't sign it, but she spoke.

Her voice was raw, he couldn't tell whether it was from too much or too little use. Either way, he voice didn't sound healthy and painful.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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