Growing families

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After Percy came back from camp, they had a funeral for Jason. Only heroes were present, though they we're in their civilian forms. They were the only people that truly knew him after all.

Just like Bruce or the twins, did he have a false face for the public.

Percy, Dick, and Roy (who wasn't a hero at that time, but still knew about the secret of his adoptive dad Oliver Queen, and was Jason's best friend) cried the most.

It took Percy a few weeks to go on Patrol with her brother and father once again. As Starling, Percy stood on the rooftop of Wayne enterprises, looking out for something to happen suddenly a voice was heard from behind her. "Hey Rob, whatcha doing?" Instinctively the younger hero turned around, and judo flipped whatever was behind her.

Unfortunately, Percy stood near the edge of the building and the boy that appeared behind her flew right down. As she realized that it wasn't a monster but a human that she just flipped down, Percy jumped after him, catches him and used her grappling hook to get back on the rooftops.

Once she got a better look on the strange boy, Percy noticed the Flash emblem on his chest. "Wait, are you a partner of Flash?" The redhead looked irritated, like Percy asked something she should already know. "Yeah, did something happen to your head Rob?" Percy was as confused as the redhead. Dick and Bruce didn't mention that Flash had a partner now too. She used her coms to ask the others and surprisingly, they told her that Flash really had a new partner. Apparently, it was Dicks idea to prank both of them by not telling about the other.

Percy dragged Kid Flash, as the boy's hero name was, back to the Batcave and demanded answers from all three of them.

While Dick tried to think of a way of explaining everything to Percy without tripping over unpleasant memories of Jason, Percy went into her changing room to change out of the Bird-uniform and into more comfortable clothes. As she reentered the main room of the cave, Wally looked at her confused. "Wait, why did a girl come out of the room the other Robin just entered?" He asked Dick.

The twins crackled, freaking Wally out before everyone got their explanations. At first it freaked Wally out to see how the twins worked together (almost like they could read each other's minds) and that they could be really terrifying if they wanted to be, but that didn't stop the three from becoming best friends.


Two years passed and Percy, Dick, and Wally (Kid Flash) became best friends in and outside of the mask. Wally came over to the manor often and the twins slept over at Wally's whenever Alfred allowed it. Green Arrows new partner, Roy, also joined just a few weeks after Wally, taking the role of the protective big brother for the three younger heroes. Roy felt like he owed Jason to look after his younger siblings at first, but with time he got to view the twins and even Wally as his own siblings.


Percy just came back from her quest in the labyrinth and the eleven-year-old went on Patrol with Batman and Robin as Starling, observing and busting a new crime lord by the name of Red Hood.

Bruce and Dick jumped down into the obvious view of the enemies while Percy once again stuck to the background. She saw a chance to take Red Hood down as the mob boss left with his money and couldn't see the other two anymore. She crackled to distract the villain and jumped down behind him.

Much to Starlings surprise the man didn't seem fazed by that. In fact, he chuckled. "Really Starling, I thought you'd be better than this." This caused Starling to freeze. Nobody ever called her or Dick something other than Robin when in hero persona. So how did this man know about Percy's real hero name?

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