Their heritage gets revealed

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Months passed and Percy had a fieldtrip with her school to a museum of ancient history in Metropolis. Dick was at the manor recovering from an injury on his leg he got the night before and officially called sick.

One girl framed Percy to have thrown her in the fountain even though she didn't, to which the teacher, Mrs. Dodds, took her inside the museum to have a talk. It turned out the teacher was a monster that wanted to kill Percy.

Instinctively she took out the daggers Diana and the rest of the league insisted she and Dick would carry on themselves all the time. Due to her training nothing happened to her, but she called Clark to pick her up. Mr. Brunner was reluctant to let her off early because he noticed something wasn't right with Clark.

He wasn't human.

But after a call from Mister Wayne, he had to let her go. Clark walked with her a bit out of sight before he flew with her in his arms to the nearest Zeta-Tube. The Leaguers currently had a meeting about the last mission as they entered.

On her way to the Watchtower Percy had called Dick and Jason who were now waiting on the side of the conference room to find out why Percy called them. Immediately all of them turned to the girl asking her questions over questions.

She explained everything as good as she could, but it was difficult for her to remember everything it was like mist laid on her memories.

Wonder Woman knelt down and put a hand on her temple. Suddenly everything was clear. The young girl explained everything exactly and asked what was going on. The adults exchanged worried looks. They knew the twins were demigods since they first came to the Watchtower and Wonder Woman and Aquaman felt a shift in the surrounding air.

Aquaman's urge to bow on the other hand helped them to figure out with their father was. The two heroes that had anything to do with the gods pulled Bruce and the leaguers that met the twins aside after the kids left and they had a long discussion on whether or not telling them.

They agreed on not telling the twins about their heritage until something happened but to teach them to handle subtle celestial bronze weapons.

The adults looked at each other and one look was enough to decide it would be the best to tell them about their heritage. Dick was just as confused and puzzled as Percy, but Jason seemed to know something. Diana knelt beside Percy looking her straight in the eyes before she spoke in a gentle tone.

"Percy, you, and Dick have Powers, but you aren't Metas. Your abilities come from your DNA. You two aren't the biological children of John Grayson, but Poseidon god of the sea. The creature your teacher turned into was a fury. In summer we will send you, Percy, to a camp of demigods. They will explain everything detailed to you. But Dick, you can't go. There is a prophecy that concerns you or another child of the big three. If both of you appear in camp the gods will become angrier than if it would be just Percy alone. And given that she already fought a monster it makes the most sense for her to go. Don't worry though, both of you will get trained in using your powers by Orin and his people."

Percy got tears in her eyes. It was too much at once. She blacked out.

Dick looked like he wanted to black out too but forced himself to stay conscious.

A few hours later she opened her different colored eyes. Usually, she covered the sea green one up to not look like a freak. But in private with the people she loved, she took the contact out. The leaguers, the twins' aunts and uncles, promised them to teach as much as possible before Percy went off to camp and to help her whenever they can. But the second one was refused by her.

The lot came to the agreement that they would only interfere with the demi-godly world if Percy asked them to. Otherwise, they will keep their hands away from it.

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