The return

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(HoO keeps on like the Books Percy wears her charm the whole time without knowing it. (Wally wasn't at camp as Percy got there and she didn't say his name) She doesn't say anything about her family while they were under Athens and the Percabeth moments didn't happen. She still fell into the pit.)

July 1st.

That was the day they defeated Gaia.

Most demigods, Greek and Roman, decided to stay for a few days before they went back to their normal activities or homes.

Percy didn't.

As soon as the primordial goddess was defeated Percy began to help other campers but at the end of the day, she had packed a bag and told Chiron she'd be leaving. Even though the centaur didn't like it he couldn't stop her.

Percy said a quick goodbye to her friends and gave Nico a look that said 'don't you dare run away from camp again. If you do, I'll make sure to keep you locked up at the manor,' She took the nearest Zeta and was about to go straight to the Batcave but decided against it as she remembered the elevator.

Instead, she decided to go to the Watchtower. It would be alright if she didn't look out of the massive windows, right? To be sure, she changed into some of her 'civilian Starling' clothes before walking through it in case any leaguer that didn't know Batman's identity was there.

The Zeta called out Recognized: Starling B01.2 The leaguers on monitor duty turned around fast enough that Percy thought they would break their necks. They were Green Arrow and Superman.

Both were by her side in a Flash and her about to hug her as she flinched slightly. It wasn't enough to get noticed by Oliver, but Clark did and kept the blonde from hugging the girl. They called the Leaguers. Well, they didn't tell them exactly. They only told them there was an emergency that couldn't wait.

The déjà-vu alarmed all of them and not even five minutes all were present.

Batman stood alongside Robin and Jason in front of the two men waiting for an explanation. They stepped aside revealing Percy who stood there uncertain, looking away from all of them towards the wall.

Wally, who stood beside Barry stepped forwards at the same time as Dick did. At the same time, they asked. "Percy?" She nodded at them.

J'onn gave a slight nod to them signaling that it was indeed Percy and not just some shape shifter.

That was enough for all of them to let out relived noises laughing and celebrating.

All of them wanted to hug her but were stopped by Clark. The man knew Percy wouldn't say anything to keep her family happy, but he also saw how scared she looked. Bruce pulled down his cowl as he knelt in front of Percy who somehow ended sitting on one of the couches in the living room area of the watchtower.

He looked Percy in the eyes, seeing a scarred child that lived through trauma far beyond what they should ever endure. He held his arms out but wide enough for Percy to go away. "Is it okay if I hug you Percy?" She seemed to examine him as if she judged if he was going to hurt her or not.

She nodded. As his arms closed around her frame, he noticed how thin she was. It felt as if she only consisted of bones and skin without flesh.

Bruce worried more than he did while he didn't know where she was. During the whole time at the Watchtower, she didn't say a single word. He felt Percy shaking and something wet on his shoulder but didn't say anything.

He knew Percy would talk if she was ready but eventually, she pulled away. Having seen the exchange of Bruce and Percy, Wally and Dick came to her, asking if they could hug her from the sides. She nodded.

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