Chapter 5- Hazel Levesque

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HOO, I only own the plot and my Oc's

Casandra Deliver POV:

My name is Casandra Deliver, and I am the QUEEN of Corona high school. All my subjects bow to me, because I'm fantastic. I say that I'm a daughter of Athena, goddess of love and beauty.

There is a little girl, her name is Hazel Levesque. She is PATHETIC. (I love Hazel, don't get me wrong, these are Casandra's thoughts) I love to bully her. She never reacts.

"Oh, hi Ugly Hazy! Are you in need of a boyfriend? Because I got you one!" I exclaimed. I grabbed Neil Arthur, the school nerd, also the ugliest boy in school. (Just picture him as cute, but since this character's head is full of nothing she doesn't notice this)

Hazel rolled her eyes. "I ALREADY have a boyfriend, his name is Frank. Now stop bothering me!"

I laughed. "Where does he live? Canada?" (Hey! I love Canada! 🇨🇦) Hazel Levesque nodded.

"Yeah, he's Chinese-Canadian." She said. I laughed in disbelief.

"Yeah right. And he also turns into an animal!" I mocked her. She rolled her eyes and went to class.

————-time skip——————-

I smiled at my reflection. I was so pretty! I had beautiful green eyes totally not contacts, a natural tan and blonde hair, absolutely not dyed.

As I walked in the hallway, everyone was looking at me adoringly. I mean, who wouldn't? I'm a daughter of Athena, goddess of love and beauty.

Hazel Levesque didn't.

"Hazel, bow to me! I'm a daughter of Athena, goddess of love and beauty!!" I exclaimed. She laughed.

"Athena is the goddess of wisdom, war and crafts, you piece of Octavian!" She retorted. What was an Octavian?

"Whatever, LOSER!" I said, and I sashayed away. I'm so smart!

As I walked, I saw King Percy Jackson, Queen Annabeth Chase, Lord Jason Grace and Lady Piper McLean searching for someone.

I approached them.

"Are you looking for someone, your highnesses?" I asked.

Percy Jackson nodded.

"We are looking for one of our best friends, I think you know her." He said. "Her name is Hazel Levesque."

I laughed. "Who, that loser?! You do not want to be friends with her!" I told them, expecting them to be grateful. They glared at me.

"Hazel is one of the bravest demigods I've ever met." Annabeth said. Piper glared at me.

Oh crap! I had been bullying a demigod?! I was in so much trouble.  I saw Hazel Levesque run towards them.

"Guys! Oh my gods, I was starting to think that you'd never come!!" She exclaimed, and she hugged the gods. Behind them, a man appeared from the shadows.

"Dad?" Hazel Levesque asked. The man nodded. I think he was Hades...  A woman with two green torches appeared.

"Hecate?" Hazel asked. Hecate smiled.

"Pluto and I decided that you will be the goddess of the Mist and of riches. We hope that you'll take this position." Hecate said. Hazel beamed.

"Of course!" She exclaimed. There was a bright green and black light, and Hazel Levesque was wearing a beautiful green dress with black highlights.

Pluto smiled. "You look beautiful." He said. Hazel blushed. Then Pluto looked at me. I felt a shiver going through my spine.

"I will deal with you.... Actually, my son Nico di Angelo will deal with you. Let's see if you come out alive." Pluto threatened. I gulped.

I was in deep deep trouble.

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