Chapter 3- Jason Grace

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HOO, I only own my Oc's and the plot

Derek Bones POV:

Jason Grace. I hate him. I absolutely loath him. He steals all the girls from me, and he rejects them. Is he mad? Did he get hit on the head with something?

I say I'm a son of Zeus, because everyone in this school bows to me. Except Jason. He irritates me. I can't bully him, because then girls won't like me.

"Hello everyone! The demigod has arrived!" I bellowed, as I walked trough my kingdom. Since I say I'm a son of Zeus, the teachers always give me A's.

I saw people bow as a walked, and I smirked, looking at my subjects -oops, my schoolmates. Jason Grace scoffed.

"You are no son of Zeus." He said. It was my turn to scoff.

"What do you know, mortal? I'm Zeus's favorite son, and king Perseus's best friend. I can call him Percy, because he's my bro." I claimed, saying a lot of lies. Jason just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever..." He mumbled, and walked away. I smiled, happy.

Jason Grace POV:

That mortal! First he claimed to be my brother and then to be Percy's bro. NO ONE is Percy's bro except me- and Grover, obviously. I just hope Percy and Annabeth get here soon.

I saw a flash of bright light and Jupiter, Percy and Annabeth appeared in front of me. Everyone gasped and bowed, except Derek Bones and I.

"Hey dad." I said. My dad waved. "Hey bro, hey Beth." Percy and Annabeth smiled.

"WAIT. You know them?" Derek asked stunned.

"Yup, they are my best friends. You should know them too, since you are a son of Zeus and Percy's bro." I smirked. Dad started getting angry, and thunder was booming outside. Percy just started laughing.

"I only have two bros: Brover and Broson, not to be confused with Brason." Percy said. I laughed when he said Brason.

"Gods Percy! Let it go!" I laughed. Percy shook his head, while Annabeth chuckled at her fiancé's childishness.

"Son." My father said, bringing us back to reality. He waved his hand. There was a light blue light and a slight ozone smell, and then I was wearing a white Roman toga, with a purple shirt beneath it.

"You are the god of the sky now, my son. Make me proud, just as you always did." Jupiter told me. I gasped. This was the nicest thing he ever told me.

I looked at Derek. He was pale in the face, realizing that his social life was ruined. My dad turned to him.

"As for you, young man, if Jason allows me, you will never ever travel safely in the air." My dad said. "Jason, permission to put this curse?"

I thought about it. I mean, he did pass as my brother, insulted me multiple times, passed as Percy's bro and pretended to have all A's by using his fake demigod identity as a son of Zeus. But still, no one deserved that.

"Permission denied, dad. He will be shunned by his peers for lying to them, so I think that is enough punishment." I exclaimed. My father nodded.

"Very well. My son spares you. Though be careful with what you say young man. I will be watching you." He threatened. Then, with a flash of light we were gone.

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