Chapter 8- Will Solace and Nico di Angelo

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HOO. I only own the plot and my Oc's.

Amanda Scorpion's POV:

My name is Amanda Scorpion and I go to Pyramid High School. The hottest guy here is Will Solace. Another very hot guy, the second hottest is Nico di Angelo.

Only one problem: Nico and Will HATE each other. They have a huge prank war going on. Once, Nico managed to get hold of all of Will's t-shirts and dyed them black. Will dyed Nico's hair pink, and the colour was stuck for 2 days.

I don't want them to hate each other.

I want my first husband and my second husband to get along.

I saw my bestie, Martha Plaster coming towards me.

"Heyyy!!" She said.

"Hey bestie!!" I replied. We did our secret handshake, and all the girls watched me and Martha with envy. We are the most popular girls in our school.

I saw Will Solace approaching. I batted my eyelashes and sashayed towards him.

"Hi Will!!" I said in a flirty voice. He turned red.

"Um, hey Alma." He replied.

"Will, honey, it's Amanda." I smiled. I was so pissed!! He didn't even know my name!!

"Can you please not call me honey?! I'm in a serious relationship." Will informed me.

"What! With who? Who is she? I'm much prettier than her!!!" I exclaimed. How dare he? I'm his future wife!!

Will shrugged and smiled. "You'll see." He walked away. His girlfriend was coming? Oh well, I'll show him that I'm much better.

I turned around and saw my second future husband, Nico di Angelo. At least I hope he doesn't have a girlfriend.

"Hey Nico!" I exclaimed. He glared fiercely.

"Do I know you?" Nico asked.

"Of course! Who wouldn't know his future wife?" I replied. He glared even more, and the shadows thickened.

"Me apparently." He said. I was pretty sure Nico would have killed me. "I'm taken, so don't even think about hitting on me!"

"Yeah, if you break up Solangelo I break your face!!" A voice exclaimed. I looked in that direction.

Lord Jason Grace was standing against a locker with his arms crossed. Nico rolled his eyes.

"Jason, will you STOP fangirling!?" He said blushing.

"Nope!" Jason Grace told him. A bright light filled the hallway. King Percy, Queen Annabeth, Lady Piper, Lady Hazel, Lord Frank, Lady Calypso, Lord Leo, Lord Hades and Lord Apollo were standing in the high school hallway.

My jaw dropped. They were all gorgeous. The boys were so hot, and the girls were making me jealous: I wanted to be as pretty as them.

"Hey di Angelo! See you haven't killed anyone!" King Percy exclaimed. Nico di Angelo rolled his eyes again.

"You are one annoying god, Kelp Head." Nico said. Lord Leo Valdez smirked.

"Death Breath, where's Solace?" He asked grinning. Lady Calypso slapped his arm. The others smiled.

"Yeah Nico, where is he?" Lord Hades asked teasingly, wiggling his eyebrows. Whaaa...?

"Shut up dad!" He said blushing like crazy. Wait. Dad. He is a demigod son of Hades? What in the world?!

I thought that the situation couldn't get weirder, but apparently it could. Will Solace walked towards us.

"Hey guys! Hi dad, hi Hades!" He waved.

"Hey Will!" Apollo said. The others waved at Will. Will went by Nico and put his arm on Nico's shoulder.

"Wait. You two HATE each other!" I exclaimed. The gods started laughing.

"Yeah right -wheeze- they don't -wheeze- hate each other" Jason Grace said in between laughs.

"Of course we don't hate each other! Nico's my boyfriend! It was our cover for not being revealed as demigods!" Will told me. What?!! He loved Nico and not me? I was fairly sure he liked me!!

Lord Jason Grace laughed at my surprised face.

"Team Solangelo!" He exclaimed. Hades and Apollo high-fived him. Nico banged his head against his locker.

"Come on now. Let's get down to business." Percy Jackson  said. Hades and Apollo nodded.

"Son, you will be the god of dead, souls, shadow travelling, necromancy and card games." Hades announced. Nico blushed.

"I don't play myth-o-magic anymore." He mumbled. There was a black shadow and Nico was wearing a black toga with a crown made of bones on his head.

"Will! My boy, you will be the god of healing, medicine, archery, music, sun and doctors orders!" Apollo exclaimed. Nico snickered. Inside joke, apparently. There was a bright yellow light, and Will Solace was wearing a yellow toga with a doctor coat on it. He was wearing a yellow crown which seemed to be made of pure light.

He looked at his clothes and frowned.

"Oh gods, this won't do." He said. He waved his hand and he was wearing an orange t-shirt with a writing on it, jeans and flip flops. Will smiled.

"Much better."

The other young gods followed his example: Nico had an aviator jacket with black jeans and t-shirt, Annabeth's, Piper's, Percy's and Leo's outfits were similar to Will's with some changes, Jason, Frank and Hazel all wore a purple t-shirt with jeans.

I gaped.

"We should get Thalia." Jason said. The gods disappeared in a bright light.

Damn, I thought I'd end up with Nico di Angelo or with Will Solace. They were gods.

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