Chapter 9- Thalia Grace

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HOO I only own my Oc's and the plot.

Thalia Grace's POV:

School. My worst enemy. I've faced monsters, Kelp Heads *cough Percy cough* traitors *cough Luke cough*, heroes (Luke, Silena, Zoë, Charlie, Bianca....) and many more, but my greatest challenge is school.

Because I'm dyslexic, some of the teachers think I don't try, so they always give me pop quizzes, saying 'Come on, miss Grace. You are not stupid, are you? Take that pen.'

I need to recruit new hunters, but these high school girls are only focused on boys. Ugh. I mean come on!!

"Hey Thalia!" A voice said. It was my mortal friend, Cleopatra Panda.

"Hey Panda girl!" I exclaimed. I call her that because she loves animals, and her last name is panda, so it fits.

She smiled. I think she would make a good huntress. Not interested in romance, just like me.

"What's up?" I asked. Cleopatra shrugged.

"Just a boy trying to ask me out. Gods, is it so difficult to understand I'm not interested?!" She exclaimed. I laughed. Yep, a very good huntress indeed.

"Oh Thalia, did you know that there is a little 'hunt' in this school? We are like huntresses of Artemis, though we aren't real huntresses, that would be insanely cool. I thought you might join." Cleo told me.

"Yeah cool. I'm in!" I confirmed. She laughed.

———-time skip to the meeting————

Cleo and I opened the doors of the gym.

"Hi! I'm Lara, and I'm the president of this group. We are all reunited here to shun boys!" She exclaimed. "I wish we had bows and arrows, but I don't have 'em.... Sorry"

"Don't worry." Some of the girls murmured. We were about to start the meeting, when Lady Artemis herself appeared.

I dropped to my knees, just like the other girls, apparently realizing who she was. A bright light filled the gym. Kelp Head and the other gods appeared.

"Rise, Thalia." Lady Artemis said. Cleo gasped. I got up.

"My lady." I saluted. "Sup guys."

Annie waved. The others smiled. Cleopatra was still gaping at me.

"Come on, lieutenant. It's your turn to become a goddess." Lady Artemis said. I gasped. I couldn't possibly become a goddess! I wasn't as heroic as Percy, or as smart as Annabeth, or as brave as Nico.

"No one is perfect Thalia. Remember that." Lady Artemis told me. That made me more confident.

"Thalia Grace, will you become the goddess of the moon, hunt, eternal maiden hood, animals,  forest and lighting?"

"Yes, I will." I exclaimed. There was a bright flash of light, and I was dressed in a silver dress, with a crown with a moon on my head.

Cleopatra, Lara and the other girls bowed to me. Percy even bowed jokingly, so I electrocuted him. He fell like a potato sack and moaned.

Annabeth laughed, but then she rushed to check if Kelp Head was alright.

I looked at the girls in the "hunt". I smiled.

"Do you girls want to join the hunt?" I asked. They nodded, their eyes wide in surprise. I smiled.

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