Chapter 19 ~ Leaving

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~ Samuel's Point of View ~

Song: "Coming Home" by Arc North feat. Rival and Cadmium


As I asked the question, Callie went rigid. "Write you in...? How?"

My arms moved from around her, but she didn't back away from me, and I almost breathed a sigh in relief. "Write us in. Take the story and change it. Make it so Imara and Haven and I were always there and part of the story."

She looked at me for a long time, then asked, "Why?"

"Because it's important." I say and wring my hands together, my heart pounding.

She pursed her lips and folds her arms over her chest, thinking for a long time before she spoke. "Baldor, I created your character to be a bit more sly than the average person. Your cunning has gotten you out of a lot. But it won't this time. And if I'm going to do this, I need to know why you want me to."

I clenched my jaw, then said, "Alright. Fine. I want you to write us in so it'll fix everything. So that nothing that did happen to the Fellowship because of Imara and I will happen again. So that we can join the Fellowship from the beginning and take down Sauron. I want you to rewrite it so I can have a fresh start."

She swallowed hard, an unreadable expression on her face.

I reached out for her hand and she laced her fingers through mine. "And I want you to write yourself in as a character, too."

She looked up at me, her grip tightening somewhat on my hand. "How would I do that?"

"Write as if you have always lived in Middle Earth and it will happen. Where have you always wanted to live there?"

"Lothlorien." She admitted with a faint blush. "I've always wanted to meet Galadriel."

I smiled a little at that, then said, "Alright. Then write it. You have the power to."

"But, Baldor... you do know that means our lives will be erased. I won't remember you. You won't remember me. There's a chance we will never see each other again."

I clenched my jaw. She was right. I hadn't thought of that.

She thought for a moment, then said, "I have a different idea, ok?" She took my hands and squeezed them. I returned the gesture and she released a slow breath and said, "I can't change everything that happened. If I do, you'll stay with Sauron. It was... it was her that made you see things differently and leave Sauron. So you need to find her again, and she'll be taken again, then you'll end up in Lothlorien after committing treason against your father because Imara will imprison you there for your safety. It's there you'll find me. As an elven maid living under Galadriel's roof."

I froze, contemplating. "And I won't remember any of this? Or you?"

She hesitated. "I... I'm not sure. You'll have some new memories and live a different life with different memories. You won't remember Tolkien Academy, because if I do this, it won't exist, but I'm not sure if that'll include me. But it will still be you. And I'll still be me." She laughed bitterly. "The only thing that'll change about me is my appearance. You are immortal, so I want to become a being that will stay immortal with you."

I smiled softly and lifted a hand to her cheek and she pressed her face into my hand. "Promise me something?" I whispered.

"Anything." She says.

"Paint. Paint in Middle Earth and be an artist there, too. And... wear this." I moved my hand away reluctantly and pulled from my pocket a small leather satchel and set it in her hand. She looked at me curiously, but opened the pouch and tilted it over her open palm as a small gem attached to a silver chain fell out. She looked at it in awe at the silver wires holding the red ruby to the intricate silver chain.

She looked up at me. "Did you... did you make this?"

Despite myself, I felt my cheeks warm in a blush. "Yes. Do you like it? Sorry, it's not perfect in any way, it-"

She stopped me by pulling me down into a kiss. I kissed her back, relaxing into her touch and when she pulled away and met my eyes, she smiled and I felt my heart skip a beat. "You're beautiful."

Her smile grew slightly at that and she replied, "I love you, Baldor. And I love this. Will you put it on for me?" She asked and turned her back to me and moved her hair to the side. I brought the necklace around her and clasped it behind her neck. She turned to me and smiled down at the gem, a hand reaching up to gently touch it. "I love it."

"I made it under her instruction to give it to the woman I chose." I said softly, meeting her eyes.

She froze and looked up at me, her eyebrows drawing together. "Chose for what?"

I smiled and kissed her cheek. "To spend the rest of my life with."

It was her turn to blush, and she looked as if she was trying to say something, only to clamp her mouth shut and merely step forward and hide her face in my chest, her arms wrapping around me tightly.

I hugged her back with a chuckle and ran my fingers through her hair and kissed the top of her head.

After a moment, she mumbled, "What do we do? Do we tell the others? Do we say anything? Or do I just do it? If I do, no one will remember anyways. I have some ideas. It'll be like none of you were ever here. But I have to write it all at once. The whole story. And when it ends... what then? Do we end?"

I rubbed her back and said, "I don't know. But I think that this may be the only way to stop my father once and for all."

She clenched her jaw and looked up at me and said, "Alright. I'll do it. I have my backpack and laptop. I'll start writing now. Stay with me?"

"Always." I replied. I knew this was going to be goodbye- for now. Not forever. But I wouldn't remember this life ever again. Would I even remember Callie Jameson? I wouldn't remember any of my time here and I'd start my life over. Did I really want that? Yes, I decided, because it would mean I could go through all of it again with her by my side this time.

And so, I sat under a tree by that waterfall, Callie sitting in front of me with her back against my chest and my arms around her waist as I watched her write. I watched her write until I felt tired. I laid my head on her shoulder, my arms tightening around her.

My eyelids began to droop, and it felt as if I was going to pass out. I had never felt this tired in my life. She turned to look at me, her eyes suddenly watering as she took my face in her hands. I slowly sank to the grass and she went down with me, combing her fingers through my hair.

"Find me on the other side, Baldor. I love you." She was saying those three words over and over, and then, I could see and hear no more.

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