Chapter 2 ~ The Food Isn't the Worst Part

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~Callie's Point of View~

Song: "My House" by Flo Rida


"Name?" The man asked in front of me. I looked up at him. He was standing in front of Lorien Hall and had long brown hair tied back behind his head, a brown beard, and brown eyes. He wore a jacket even though it was so hot outside, and held a clipboard.

"Uh... Callie Jameson." I say distractedly as I took a picture of the building. He didn't look amused. "I'll have you know, I am a transfer. I just moved here from New York. So I'm not used to California or its... anything, yet." I say evasively. "So, I'm actually a third year- a junior. I know how college works, so I don't really need a general college orientation, but a tour would be nice."

"New York, huh?" He asks and writes on the clipboard. "Your room is inside and upstairs on the third floor. Turn right at the top of the stairs, and it's the last door on your right. And no worries- there'll be an orientation, but you're the only one that's a new student, so I can just give you a tour at some point."

I paused. "Wait- seriously? I'm the only new student? You're kidding. I thought people would be all over this place." Maybe that's what that Samuel Hemmings was being so weird near me. I looked back up at the guy and nodded, giving him a smile. "Thank you! Also, what's your name?"

"Aaron Strider. Are we done now?" He asks and really didn't seem very amused. Strider? Lorien Hall? I guess it was Tolkien Academy, I mused.

I raised an eyebrow and said, "Cool last name. Kinda like that Tolkien character."

He stiffened slightly, then coughed awkwardly and pointed back to the door of the building. "Uh- surrreee. So can I show you where you need to go now, or are you all set?"

I hesitated, then nodded. "Oh. Yeah, no. I'm good." I say and tug on my suitcase and head inside. Was everyone here just purely an asshole? Either that, or insane. The only new student? I called bullshit. Maybe I was just the only new student in Lorien Hall... not as embarrassing as the only new one, but still weird.

I followed his directions and arrived at the room he had directed me to. I looked around the room to see there was a bed on each side, a desk and chair, wardrobe, and closet built into the wall on either side of the door.

The stuff I had ordered online to be shipped here- like decorations, school supplies, and everything else  I'd need- was here, piled on a desk and the bed to the left. On the right, someone had already set up their side with the colors of white, deep purple, silver, and a soft green.

I set my backpack down on the bed and began to pull some items out to decorate the room. A sketchbook held countless drawings that I stuck to the walls around the bed with wall putty. The pages varied in sizes, and I arranged them so that the ones in ink balanced with the ones in color. I made up my bed and stacked it up with pillows and blankets, then went to the boxes on my desk and pulled out my scissors to open them.

I didn't notice my roommate when she arrived at first until she tapped on my shoulder. I jumped a little and turned to look at her, pulling out my earbuds and staring wide-eyed. She was a little taller than I was, had bright blue eyes, and long, curly black hair. She wore blue jeans and a white off-the-shoulder shirt and wore a necklace that look like some bejeweled fairy. No... I recognized that pendant. I didn't remark about it as I didn't want the same reaction as Mr. Strider from her. First impressions and all.

When she smiled it was as if the room became brighter. "Hello. You must be Callie. My name is Anna." I smiled back and shook her out-stretched hand.

"Hello, Anna. What major are you? I'm art and English- double majoring."

She smiled. "I'm in music therapy. Wow. Is this all your art? It's amazing." She said and looked at the paintings and sketches on the wall. I couldn't help but take notice how whimsical her voice was. And how she was the third person I meet, and was miraculously not an ass. I hoped that wouldn't change.

"Thanks, and yeah. It is." I felt a bit awkward but nodded a little.

"Have you meet anyone else on campus?" She asked. "I could give you a tour if you'd like as well." Her smile was warm, but my more socially awkward side made me just shrug and nod.

"Yeah. Two guys. First this really creepy guy in black leather that looked like he hated everything. Was taking pictures and he got in one and didn't seem too pleased about it. Then Aaron Strider. They both seemed like assholes."

Anna's eyebrow raised. "Let me see the picture."

I pulled the printed out picture from my pocket and showed it to her and she sucked in a sharp breath. "Did he say anything to you?"

"Not really. His name is Samuel or something, right? He looked pissed about something and acted as if I was wasting his time. Directed me here, though, so he was somewhat helpful, I guess." I shrugged but when I saw her pale face, a pit formed in my stomach.

"Aaron is my boyfriend. Don't worry about him, he's just a night owl and has been running a summer camp all summer. He's just tired. He's actually really nice." She looked at me seriously. "But Samuel. Don't be deceived. He's not someone you want to be close to, ok? Stay away from him."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why? Because he dresses in leather? Listen, there are plenty of people that dress like that back in New York, and the rest of the world, but-"

"Callie, I'm serious. He's dangerous. This's not the usual run-of-the-mill college. The people here are... different."

I didn't like how vague she was being, and just shrugged as if to say "whatever" then went back to unpacking.

That night, I went to the student center with Anna and after a quick tour, she led me into the large dining hall and m over to a table with a group of other people. Aaron was there, and next to him sat a girl with frizzy red hair and a wild grin on her face as she spoke excitedly to a guy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Anna sat down next to Aaron and they kissed. Ew. The other two didn't seem to notice my presence yet and Anna hadn't bothered to introduce me yet.

I just sat down and the guy next to me turned to look at me. He also had blonde hair and blue eyes, but his jaw was more square and he had the faint showings of a beard on his jaw and his hair was shorter. He grinned and I felt my cheeks go hot.

"Hello. I don't think we've meet before. What's your name?" He asked. He had a wonderful British accent and I bit my lip, then said,

"Callie. Callie Jameson." I didn't know what else to say, and that smile on his face made my heart beat a little faster as he said,

"A pleasure to meet you, Callie. My name is Brandon. Brandon Birch." He grinned a bit more and then said, "This here is Gabriella. She's very friendly."

At the mention of her name, the girl with the curly red hair spun around and she seemed to have been in an argument with the other blond who had a smug smirk on his face. I could only assume he won whatever banter they were having.

"Oh hi! You can call me Gabby, if you'd like. What's yer name, lass?" She had a Scottish accent and her brown eyes sparkled as she smiled at me. Freckles dusted her nose and she wore a thick red sweatshirt.

"Callie Jameson."

"My name is Leland Greenleaf. Glad to see Anna made a new friend other than Mr. Strider over there." The blonde next to Gabby said and sent Anna a mischievous grin. She promptly flipped him off and a surprised laugh escaped my lips.

"Ignore my cousin, Callie. He's an idiot." She rolled her eyes but Leland didn't seem phased by the insult and merely sat there and grinned.

I laughed a little and looked up to see, standing across the room, was Samuel, flanked by a guy with white hair and a woman with long black hair.

Those dark eyes were staring right at me as his friends seemed to not notice. And I stared right back at him.

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