Chapter 13 ~ Found You

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~Samuel's Point of View~

Song: "So Am I" by Ava Max


I carried her into the basement room of the library. Her arms were wrapped tightly around me and her face was tucked into my neck.

I set her down gently on the couch and then kneeled on the floor in front of her and took her hands gently. Angry red bruises were forming where Brandon had grabbed her. I looked at them and a flash of hot anger spread through me and I clenched my jaw.

She pulled a hand from my grasp and rested it over my collarbone, eyes focused on the cut just above it from the sword.

"Callie, it's ok. I'm ok. Just a scratch." I said gently, surprised she was focused on that.

She looked at me and her eyes watered again. "H-He almost killed you, Sam. I thought he was going to kill you... and... and..."

She bowed her head and I leaned closer to her and looked into her eyes and said, "All that matters to me is you, Callie. I hate seeing you hurt. I hate seeing you cry. I don't care what happens to me, and I-"

My words died in my throat when she took my face in her hands and kissed me. I froze for a moment, almost unable to process that this was actually happening. She seemed to sense my hesitation because she began to pull away, but I pulled her back and kissed her again.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and and I wrapped mine around her waist.

She pulled away slowly and rested her forehead against mine, hands cupping my face. She gazed into my eyes and said, "Samuel, don't say that. Because I care a whole hell of a lot about you. So don't think for one minute that you can say that about yourself and that I'll allow it."

She lifted her head and pressed a kiss to my forehead. My arms tightened around her waist and I dropped my head onto her shoulder and hugged her tightly.

Her arms tightened just as much around me. I couldn't believe I had her, or that this was even happening.

"Stay with me?" She whispered weakly. I looked up at her and her face was going red.

I lifted a hand to her cheek and she pressed her face into my hand. "Always, Callie. If that is what you want." I tucked some hair behind her ear.

She turned her head a little to kiss my wrist and she said, "It is."

I felt my face heating up and I stood from the floor and she stood, too. She then climbed onto the couch to stand on it so she stood level with me. I picked up her hands, which still shook a little and I ran my thumbs over her knuckles. I leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

"Don't be afraid, Callie. That monster will never touch you again." I vowed. I rubbed my thumbs over the bruises on her wrists and they vanished.

I looked up at her and there were tears sliding down her cheeks. "I'm an idiot." She croaked. Before I could protest, she continued, "I should've seen that Boromir of all people here would turn on me. He broke up the Fellowship in the books, after all. I just... I was lonely, so lonely... and he took care of that feeling and made me feel not so lonely anymore. I guess that makes me a bad person. But then I met you, and... I began comparing you."

Her thumbs made circles on my hands and she began to lean into me. I gently guided her hands up to rest on my shoulders and moved my hands around her waist so she wouldn't fall.

"And what did you find?" I asked, rubbing her back as she leaned into me even more. Her face was a mere two inches from mine.

"I found that he was controlling. He told me what to do. How to feel and when. Told me my questions weren't to be answered because it wasn't the right time or that I didn't need to know. He... was pretty physical, even when I wasn't in the mood. But you..." She looked at me and her eyes began to water as she reached up to hold my face in her hands. "You're so much better than him. I don't regret defending you, Sam. You answered my questions, you helped me when I felt lost and confused with the Fellowship. You were gentle, considerate, and you respected me. I knew because there were times I thought you might kiss me. But you didn't. Because I was with someone. Even if I wanted you to, you wouldn't have, and Sam..." she drifted off, then looked up.

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