Five years with the one I love most

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Jo was woken up not by the sound of an erratic monitor or a nurse coming to take her vitals she woke up to sunlight. Sunlight that filtered through the windows and into the bedroom. They were currently in the guest house neither woman was ready to go into the main home. Jo wrapped her arm around the person cuddled next to her. She breathed in the scent of her wife. Lizzie cuddled into her wife, "Happy anniversary my love."

"The best 5 years of my life."

"I second that."

"So what's the plan for today?"

"Well, we have two one-year-olds who are about to get up, then my mom is coming to pick them up later so we can have an evening to ourselves."

Jo wiggled her eyebrows, "Oh really?"

Lizzie laughed, "Baby you know you aren't cleared for that."

"Let me dream."

Lizzie put her hand on her wife's chest, "Dont dream too hard I need that ticker to keep ticking."

"Oh, baby my ticker isn't going anywhere."

"It better not."

Jo looked over at the monitor, "Our children are up."

Lizzie looked over at her wife, "Well would you look at that." she rolled out of bed, "I'll be back with the rascals."

And soon enough Lizzie was skipping into the master with a smiling baby on either hip, "Oh my babies!" Jo smiled as Lizzie put them on the bed. The kids gently crawled to Jo but Jo reached for them before she laid them on her cuddling them close.

"Be careful," Lizzie warned,

"Oh Mommy is no fun is she?" Jo cooed, "She is just so worried because your Mama's sperm donor tried to kill her. Yes, he did. But she has 3 very special people in her life that she just HAD to get back to."

Lizzie reached to take Jo's hand in hers she brought Jo's hand up to her lips holding it there until Jo untangled her hand from Lizzies resting it on her cheek. "I will always come home to you."

"Let me go grab breakfast then we have a story to tell them."

"And what story may that be?"


Lizzie walked in with a tray of pancakes, waffles, eggs, fruit, coffee, a smoothie, and juice. Jo looked at her wife with wide eyes, "How many people are we feeding?"

"Just me, you, the twins."

"Well, we better get to eating."

"Okay, babies! Mommy and I got married on Mamaw and Papaw's property. I was getting ready in one part of the house and Liz was getting ready in another room. All a sudden the door opens wide and Aunt MK comes flying in out of breath saying 'she, she, she needs you' so here I go with my satin dress running. I knock and I heard 'Yeah come in,' I slowly opened the door with my eyes closed and asked, 'Hey, what's the emergency?' and your mom responded with this perfectly stressed sentence, 'Uhm... can you look at me?' but you kids dont know this yet but it would have been bad luck and I was not taking chances on us before our wedding. To which your Mom so eloquently put, 'Jo thats an outdated tradition from when brides were traded by their Dads for dowries.'."

"Jo thats not what I sound like," Lizzie whined,

"I know your Mom babies and if she brings up the patriarchy it tells me that something is wrong. So I asked what was wrong. Little did I know that was a loaded question, 'Everything is wrong my moms upset because she wants to walk me down the aisle and my Dads obviously going to walk me down the aisle because he's my Dad he paid for everything and he spent way too much money throwing a wedding thats just making everyone miserable and I didn't even want to have a wedding' at this point I'm nervous, my eyes are opening 'I dont even want to be a bride I just want people to know I'm already married." and that when I look at her." Jo's eyes met Lizzies and Lizzie smiled, "Uh oh you saw me. Thats a thousand years of bad luck."

"And they lived happily ever after." - WandaWhere stories live. Discover now