(12 Weeks) First trip to NYC pt. 4

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A/n: This chapter is right around 6717 words. Most of it comes from transcripts. Little things have been added here and there but if you want to just skip through it you can. I put the transcripted parts in brackets ie {} to try and allow easy differing. I encourage you to read the whole thing but I know it's a lot. I am so happy to be back! Thank you everyone for your patience! This is the last part of the NYC trip so cute baby-focused chapters are soon to follow! Also, we may be seeing hot angry boss lady Jo but who knows? 

Lizzie and Jo flipped on the TV as they lay in the bed of their Brownstone as the twins took their mid-day nap. Lizzies interview with Kelly Clarkson was filmed before the premiere. It was a special day for them because it was the first time both Kelly and Xochil met the twins.

This is what that day looked like...

Jo and Lizzie walked through the back lot of Universal Studios. Jo had a baby on each arm as Lizzie carried the massive diaper bag. Lizzie opened the door for Jo as they slipped through the halls as inconspicuous as possible. Jo set the carriers on the floor next to the couch when they walked into the room. Bettan was still sleeping but Addie was wide awake staring back at her Mama. Jo squatted down undoing the straps before she brought Addie against her. Jo stood up before she lifted Addie above her head. Addie smiled down and giggled as Jo smiled up at her. Jo lowered her so she could smother her little chubby cheeks with kisses. There was a knock on the door. Jo turned to look curiously at her wife. When Lizzie shrugged Jo put Addie against her chest and used her foot to turn Bttan so he was turned away from the door. Lizzie cracked the door before her face widened into a smile, "Xochitl come on in!"

Jo turned her face widening into a bright smile, "Xochitl!"

Xochitl gave Lizzie a big hug before she walked over to Jo, "Oh my gosh! Look at those chubby legs!"

Jo turned Addie around putting her cheek against her cheek, "Addie say, 'hi Xochitl!',"

"Addie," she swooned, "What a cute name!"

Lizzie smiled before she picked up the car seat, "Her name is actually Adaline,"

"After my mother,"

Xochitl put her hand over her heart, "How cute!" Xochitl peered into the car seat, "And who is this \sleepy baby?"

Lizzie smiled like the proud Mom she is, "This is Addie's little brother Bettan,"

"Oh, how precious,"

"He is named after Jo's grandfather Ben and also after Paul Bettany,"

"Can I hold her?" Xochitl asked unsurely,

Jo and Lizzie looked at each other with bright smiles, "Of course," Lizzie smiled, "Just have a seat and Jo will put her in your arms."

Xochitl quickly sat down before Lizzie took a clean towel throwing across Xochitl's front, "Just in case,"

Jo stood in front of Xochitl before she handed Addie over, "She can hold her head up so just hold her close to your chest..." she moved Addie into Xochitl's arms, "...like this,"

Xochitl smiled, "Oh she is precious,"

Lizzie smiled, "She likes you,"

"Does she?"

Jo laughed, "She does!"
Xochitl said, "I want to hold her forever but, I have to go get ready,"

Jo quickly moved to free Xochitl of Addie, "Don't worry we will see you soon,"

"And they lived happily ever after." - WandaWhere stories live. Discover now