(7 Months) First time crawling,

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It is mid-August. Lizzie and the twins are at Jade and her husband Patrick's house. It's a simple little house several miles outside of LA on the water. Once again Jo is in film land and will not be home until tomorrow or possibly even the next day. Jo worked longer, harder hours so her crew could spend more time with their families. This sacrifice is not without its downsides. Jo is still battling with the guilt of keeping the truth from Lizzie and causing herself to be separated from not only Lizzie but also the twins for those 2 months. The sad truth is as much as Lizzie wants to tell her wife to be home. To stay home. To hold her at night and never let her go. To let her be there for every second of their baby's lives. Every time their toes curl, nose wrinkles, sneeze, every time they try something new or see something new.  She also knows that as the director; as Jo is the good director she is going to act as the captain and take care of all souls she's in charge of. Jade was cuddled up to Lizzie on the couch while Patrick was out grabbing lunch. The twins were sleeping in their pack n' play. Jade rested her head on Lizzie's shoulder, "I dont get how that sexy ass wife of yours can leave to go to work and leave you all alone."

Lizzie laughed, "Look at you sounding all domesticated,"

Jade laughed before she sobered up, "How does it feel having her working?"

Lizzie let out a long sigh, "It's different. Since our marriage, we've either worked together or I've been the one working. I mean dont get me wrong she is always working but when she does work for the hospitals or foundation she does most of it from home. Even if she spends the whole day in her office I have this immense peace knowing she's near me."

"Because she's your person,"

"She's my person," Lizzie nodded with a smile

Just then Patrick walked in with a large bag of takeout. "I come bearing lunch!"

Jade didn't move from where she was cuddled into Lizzie, "Give me a sandwich,"

Patrick leaned over handing Lizzie her sandwich before he sat down throwing Jade her sandwich, "The twins still snoozing?"

Lizzie looked over saying, "They'll be up soon and be ready to play,"

"How do 7-month-olds play?" Patrick asked,

Lizzie laughed, "Dont you two have a child?"

"Yeah, he's at my parent's for a week." Patrick shrugged, "I just didn't know if it was different since there are two."

Lizzie smiled, "They usually just see who can sit up the longest,"

"Are they crawling?"

"They are trying," Lizzie laughed, "They can stay on their hands and knees and they've gotten close to crawling but nothing yet."

Jade smiled, "I think today is the day!"

"Wanna put money on it?" Patrick smiled,

"Are you two really going to bet on my children?"

Jade ignored Lizzie, "My girl Addies going to crawl today,"

Patrick said, "I'll raise you $10 for Bettan,"

Lizzie laughed, "Momma will settle this. $50 they both crawl today."



They all shook hands before they settled onto the couch enjoying their lunch. When Lizzie was finished she stood up taking the couple's trash, "Im going to warm up the bottles do you two need anything?"



Lizzie laughed, "It's 1,"

"It's 5 o'clock somewhere," Jade mused,

Lizzie laughed before she retired a few minutes later, "Two bottles for my babies and two bottles for you babies,"

"Thanks," they both smiled,

Lizzie bent over the pack n' play as the babies began to come out of consciousness. Jade looked over saying, "Your timing is spot on."

"I've known these kiddos for over 15 months Moms always know," she patted the babies' bellies before she maneuvered them into her arm

"Dont I know it," Jade nodded,

Patrick said, "This may be a stupid question,"

"Go ahead," Lizzie laughed,

"Does Jo have mother's intuition or Dad mode like me?"

"Mothers intuition is a chemical deep biological thing that happens. So yes Patrick she does have mother's intuition but she does have dad-ish tendencies." Lizzie rocked the babies.

Jade set her beer on the side table, "Give me a baby," Jade grabbed Bettan feeding him and burping him before she and Lizzie stood up placing the babies on the play mat Patrick and Jade have.

Patrick sat on the edge of his seat, "Let the games begin,"

Jade and Lizzie laughed. Lizzie sat opposite Jade away from the babies, "Do I set them up?" Jade asked,

Lizzie shook her head, "Just sit them on their butts and they'll move if they are ready."

They were all talking when Lizzie's phone started to ring, "It's Jo," Lizzie picked it up putting it on speaker, "You on speaker babe!"

"Yeah so no sex talk," Jade called out,

Jo laughed, "So you aren't in for a foursome?"

"Josephine!" Lizzie quickly said,

"I am low on time honey you can scald me later. I just wanted to hear your voice."

"Is everything okay at work honey?"

"I'll tell you when I get home,"

Lizzie looked up at Jade who was flailing her arms, "Would it cheer you up if I told you our kids are crAWLING FOR THE FIRST TIME!"
"Oh my gosh!!" Jo said, "Accept my facetime!"

Lizzie quickly held her phone up so Jo could see the babies stumble themselves towards Lizzie. Lizzie watched her wife on screen, She was in a ratty t-shirt with her headphones around her neck and a mask hanging off her ear with her hand over her mouth her wedding ring glistening in the stage light "Oh my," Jo was at a loss of words as the tears flowed. Jo choked out, "Look at them go," In the background, they heard Resets done, Olsen! Jo looked over her shoulder before she sighed.

Lizzie turned the camera giving her wife a sympathetic smile, "I know baby I love you,"

"I love you more,"

"I love you most," Olsen!

"GIVE ME A DAMN MINUTE!" she turned back saying calmly, "Never,"


"And we love you Bettan and Adaline,"


"And always, I will be home soon," she blew a kiss which Lizzie quote on quote caught.

I know this is bananas but we are entering the last 10 chapters of part 3.

The next chapter is the Halloween episode! Im having a hard time figuring out what costumes to put them in. Like should it be couples? Marvel is the easiest way to go but we did that last Halloween. 

Hope you are all in a holiday kinda mood because Christmas and Halloween chapters are right around the corner!

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