The face of Josephine Olsen

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It has taken me months to create the face I feel best shows what I see I my head as I am writing. This is of course just what I see. Josephine can look however you want I just wanted to give you all a glimpse into what I see. Mind you this is her in full glam so normally her face is a bit softer. 

Drum roll please....

Guys, gals, and non-binary pals...

The incomparable, the amazing...



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May have cried a little when this photo was finally generated. It's nice to finally put a face to the character you've been creating over the past two years.

Who do you think she looks like? She is a combination of two actresses. One more known than the other.

Sorry for the spam! I don't get much time to come on here so when I do I get a little carried away! I guess I just miss you all!

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