(13 Weeks) First time on set

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Who got their online ticket to the virtual Hattie Harmony Event??

I do!!!

It was May 11th and Lizzie hadn't seen her wife since the 9th. She wasn't mad at her wife she was just sad that over the last two mornings she had woken up alone. The babies had luckly gone easy on her but she was afraid her luck was about to run out. Getting to her wife was going to be no easy task her wife was currently scouting locations and filming for her new film. The only issue was that the film was being shot in its entirety on Angel Island in San Fransico. Luckily for Lizzie, her wife had money which meant instead of the five-six hour drive down she was able to take a short one and a-half-hour flight with a thirty ish minute drive from San Rafael Airport to Corinthian Yacht Club where a boat would pick them up and take them 12 minutes to get to the docks in Ayala cove where most likely Keesha would drive them 4 minutes to where Jo was filming at the actual immigration station. Lizzie found herself loading her kids in the Land Rover at 10 am. Lizzie looked in her rear view mirror flashing the babies a smile before she made her way to the airport. The drive was old and familiar as she pulled onto the tarmac. The pilot and Lizzie's assistant Marla stood in wait. Once Lizzie and the babies were on the plane they watched as the car was moved into their private hanger. Lizzie sat between the twins an arm across each seat as if she didn't have them secured tightly to the seat. When they were up in the air Lizzie found herself answering emails amongst tickling twenty little toes. When the plane landed Marla, Lizzie, and the twins were quickly escorted into the escalade before they pulled off to the docks. When filming Jo had long-term rented a small fairy to get people back and forth then a 19 cabin INFINITY X for the long-term crew to stay.

 When filming Jo had long-term rented a small fairy to get people back and forth then a 19 cabin INFINITY X for the long-term crew to stay

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It stayed docked in the cove where Jet Skis were driven to the other side or cars depending on the weather. When Lizzie arrived just as she had expected Keesha was waiting with the Bronco to take them across the island. Keesha and Marla sat up front talking while Lizzie and the twins sat in the back. Soon they exited the lush wood canopy and were greeted by a number of work trailers, UTVs, ATVs, and trucks. Keesha pulled next to one of the trucks. Keesha came around the side opening the door before she plucked Addie from her car seat and threw the diaper bag over her shoulder. Lizzie was leaned over undoing Bettan. When she turned to tell Keesha that she could hold the bag Marla had taken Bettan and the four were headed to where Jo was running a scene.

Lizzie sighed shaking her head as she followed into the large building. As she walked through the door she put her sunglasses on her head just in time to see Jo run over tears in her eyes as she took the babies carefully in her arms smothering them in kisses. Lizzie was aware of the pain that being hours away from their children was. Jo carefully whispered to the girls as they each took their respective babies back. Lizzie tilted her head at her wife's behavior. Jo walked with a purposeful stride as she walked over to Lizzie. Jo reached out grabbing Lizzie carefully by her face and pulling her in for an intense kiss, Lizzie weakened nearly going to the floor as she moved her hands around her wife's waist. When they pulled away Jo kept a firm hold on Lizzie. Lizzie laid her head on her wife's chest breathing in her oh so - her - scent. They separated a few seconds later, "What are you three doing here?" Jo asked with a surprised smile,

"And they lived happily ever after." - WandaWhere stories live. Discover now