Chapter 1, Page 1: First day of school.

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•_Custard's POV_•

I wake up from a long heavy sleep. Nothing looks familiar. The blanket is odd, the room is cold... I don't recognize anything. I'm in my morning clothes though..? How long was I asleep?

I get up and check the room.

There's a closet with all sorts of different clothes. A halloween costume too. Strange.

I notice a door, a bathroom door. I open it. As I do, a cold burst of air hits me. I look around before closing it again.

Small crowns made with paper side on a small table. They look exactly like mine, Just much more finished. I hold one. "Marker." I whisper to myself before putting it down. I look behind me.

A door! Is that the door out? I open it.

A school? Your king can't be at a school! It's a Saturday!

I look around. An empty hall with more doors. Just with different pictures. One with a Cherry bomb, and another with a waffle arm. Mine has a crown that looks just like mine! My name is written under the small picture. It's adorable!

I make my way down the hall, making sure to look at everything. One of them has a wall decoy of a bunch of cookies! They look familiar. Non of the doors I see seem to be classes though. I continue.

I'm presented with a door. Not like the others. Just a door. It's gray with big handles you see on push doors! I open it easily.

"Staircases! I think I found a way out!" I start to head up. I can't even continue up the corner. The way up is blocked with police tape. I head back down in disappointment.

The way down is completely available though. I go through that one.

I'm met with another school hall. This time, everything behind the doors actually seem like classrooms as you can see behind the doors. Generic 4th grade classrooms to me. Not good enough for the ultimate royal heir.

I finally get to the the exit. A big round door, much to fancy for a public school! Before I can put my hands on it, it opens.

For what I thought would be the outside was simply just another room filled of cookies my age.

"Over here!" A cookie with light orange-brown hair waves at me.

"I'm Walnut cookie. The Ultimate detective." She sticks her hand out.

"I'm Custard cookie the third! Heh- The Ultimate royal heir!" I take her hand before another cookie speaks out.

"Oh HI!! I'm Pancake cookie!" A cookie in a squirrel onesie speaks out. "Are you a king?" He comes close. "W-Why yes! I am the heir to the Vanilla throne!" I put my hands on my waste as he looks at me in awe.

"Pshh. Lame! You actually think something like you would be a king? I'm a cult leader and even I think that's fucking lame!" Another speaks out. This time they have black wings and horns.

"Devil cookie!" White feathered wings hit me in the face. "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm Angel cookie!" They whisper to me.

"Devil cookie what did I say about swearing?" Their wings spread out.

"Leave em' alone 'Mx. Do better'." This time, a cookie in a red riding hood costume speaks out.

"And you! You shouldn't be tossing that thing around!" They scold at the Cherry sented cookie

"I'm the ultimate bomber, kid. Get used to it." She tosses an inactive bomb up and down.

The three start a small fight in between themselves as someone pulls me from behind Angel.

"Did you see a orange doll outside perhaps? Their name is PomPon and I can't find them... oh and my name is Pumpkin pie cookie. Ultimate paranormal dancer or whatever." She looks at me, to the door, and back me. All I can do is blurt out a simple "Hi!" Under my breath.

"Ugh. No help." She lets me go.

"Ok everyone calm down! Maybe we can settle this through a snowball fight?" They're white haired and wearing a heavy jacket. They must not be that cold.
"NOT NOW SNOW SHITTER!" The cult one yeps out.

"Don't be ruuudee." "Yeah Ya little shit! Go fuck yourself if you think your all better than us!" Two from a corner of the room yell at them. The first one to speak lightly kicks the pink haired one. A red paint ball is quickly thrown onto the first one's head.

"Hey-" They turn to another pink haired cookie. "Sorry. Thought you could use some color! What?" He looks at me.

"Nothing!" "Want me to recolor that fuckin' crown of yours?" He loads his cannon.

"Ok enough. I know we're all confused but this is not how we find out what is going on." Walnut speaks out.

"Oh shut up 'Ms Detective cookie.' Yelling at a bunch of kids ain't gunna do you shit." The two share a long stare

The door reopens to two other cookies, both with white hair.

"Well- I see we came at a bad time-" The taller one says in a slightly nervous tone.

"Oh relly?" The shorter one, They have bunny ears and are eating moon cakes..? Weird. They also seem to have a weird speaking pattern

"Dif someon' droop dis?" They hold a small bunny plushie.

"BUNNY!!" Another child comes from behind Pumpkin. She has medium purple hair and a white dress. She reeks of onion juice

"Moon rabbit coogi"
"Onion.." the two introduced each other. I over heard them effortlessly as the room calmed down. "Thank you..." what looked like a smile slowly grew on Onions face. I smiled and turned back around.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Are you Custard cookie?" The taller female stood in front of me. "I'm Cream puff cookie! The Ultimate Mage." She gave me a gentle smile

"Hello! And yes I am! Heh!! This is Walnut, she's the ultimate detective!" I point at Walnut, she gives Cream puff a gentle wave.

"Oh... I met your dad at the academy! He told me a lot about you!" Walnut goes blank

"My... dad..?" She backed up slowly.

"Are you ok..? Your king can assist-"

I hear a loud laugh. It was high pitched. Everyone starts looking around, what's going on?

"Hello cookies! This is your head master speaking! Every cookie please come to the gym right now! Hehe!"

"What the-?" The door opens again, this time with a small bear plush behind it.

"Follow me!" It pulls out a... wait... WAIT- THATS MY SEPTER-

"HEY THATS MINE! GIVE YOUR KING BACK HIS SEPTER—" I was only able to take about two steps before someone grabbed me and pushed me behind them. It was thank snow ball cookie...

"Your highness! I don't think a king should do that!" They slowly back up into small metal poles, they've already arose from where I was standing

"Now like I said, follow me!" The others stand up and leave, some of them have a concerned face on them. The cookie who saved me stands there.

"Are you ok?" They reach their hand out for me.

"Y-yeah... are you?" They lift me up

"I'm fine. My names Snow sugar cookie. The Ultimate Snow ball fighter. Pleased to meet you!" They bow "we should get going now, We don't want to get lost!" They leave

I already have friends! A king would need those to rule a kingdom! I'm only able to take on step out before something hits...

The cold draft... it feels like despair...


1261 words!

CookieRonpa: Friends with despair (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now