Chapter 1, page 5: Midnight Despair

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It was getting late at this point. Everyone ate what we could and left as the bell rang for the night hours. One by one we all head back to our rooms.

Crape and Mushroom stayed in the same room while Moon Rabbit and Pancake left to sleep in the garden, they even got permission from Monokuma to do so.

It was breaking the rules in every way but whatever. I wasn't allowed to complain. They're not my rules. They're his.

I laid in bed, holding onto my pillow as a way to comfort myself as I didn't have a plushie to hold onto.

A soft lullaby began playing, it was calming. I ended up falling asleep. I didn't even have time to shower as Monokuma rushed pretty much all of us in bed. He only let us change into pajamas.

I closed my eyes and waited.

I swear I could hear a door open across the hall. It was followed by quick foot steps.

A loud bell bursted through the hallway. A minute later someone knocked on my door.

I open it.

Its Walnut!

"Hello my king! I'm sure someone like you would love to eat some breakfast with their royal detective?" She bowed to me before continuing. "It would be an honor to have breakfast with you, a royal!"

"Oh Your king would love to!" I stick out my hand. We laugh as everyone leaves.

We all head over to the gym as the cafeteria hasn't opened yet. The air feels cold.

Monokuma welcomes us dearly as Pumpkin pie and GumBall open the the gyms door.

"Well well well! Look who it is! My beautiful students! I'm sure you all can't WAIT to get the school year started!!! Oh and by the way... all of your guys stuff is over there, in that corner."

What..? "What do you mean by that..? I thought we weren't allowed to have our stuff back until..." Walnut starts counting as the others start getting their wands and staffs back.


"We're missing two... Moon Rabbit and Pancake..."

"Now that everyone has gotten their stuff back, please follow me to your classrooms!!" Monokuma waits for us to gather back together before leaving the room. I look at Walnut.

"Walnut..? What happened to Moon and Pancake..?" "I don't know Custard.. I don't know.."

We're the last few to leave the gym. Monokuma is oddly fast for someone his size..

He ends up leading us outside to the back of the school. He says it's attached to the garden and library, so that's fun.

"This will be our first class everyone! Feel free to explore the area! Anything you find will be used for you next class, so make sure you find something you like!" Monokuma blathers on and on about the next 'class'. Geez...

I notice Walnut going into the library, I follow her.

"What are you doing? What if Monokuma finds you sneaking off? He'll get mad!" Walnut looks at me.

"Monokuma gave us permission to look around for stuff in the garden. As long as we don't get caught wondering off this far we're fine."

We remove vines from the library door to slowly reveal its handle. It takes a few minutes before it starts to budge. It works though.

We finally get inside, colder then ever...

"Why are we doing this again Wal..?" I cover myself with my cape as she starts digging through the books.

"Something happened while we were asleep! Someone's dead! And I'm not going to wait until someone else finds it for us! You search the upstairs while I stay down here, just yell for me if you find anything got that?" I nod in agreement.

I start looking for the stairs. The library is huge. I take my time...

I look from the second floor of the library, the others must've noticed as they're all here. I'll be ruling over these cookies one day... hopefully.

I start looking through the rooms one by one. One of them... it smells weird...

I open the door and turn on the light... a large study room with even more books. Flag poles on each side with one in the...


Everyone makes their way to me. What they're met with is not anything flattering.

"Custard what the hell happene- Pancake..? What happened to him..?"

Faced down on a flag pole, guts all over the top half while blood fades into the lower half under him. Small dried out puddles of blood stain the deep blue, green and red carpet floor. The smell is horrid. He must've been there all night... no one even checked in on him or Moon... who could've done this..?


783 words

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