Chapter 2, page 1: motive to suggest

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The ringing continued for a while.

The screaming from the others only made my head hurt more. Was it a problem? I guess when I'm older and ruling over a whole kingdom this would be common, but not now! Not like this...

Everything slowly blurs together, I close my eyes to readjust.

A... tablet? With a tag on the case. It has a crown. I look around

Almost everyone has one. The only two who don't are Walnut and Devil... huh.

I stand up and slowly walk to Monokuma.

"Monokuma? What's this?"

"It's your next motive you silly child! Everyone should have a tablet, and if you don't, you don't have a motive. The tablets display your motive, each personalized to fit every one of you! Feel free to watch it whenever you want."

"Giving us a motive as we just watched one of our friends die in front of us? What kind of mess up bullshit are you on?!" Walnut stands next to me

Monokuma's tone changes "What do you mean 'friend'? She killed Pancake, our kings best friend~! You don't even have a motive yourself, you wouldn't understand what it could've felt like for Cream Puff to have her littoral TALENT to be stripped away from her. Having no real purpose other than some basic jelly magic. It's really sad~" Walnut goes blank... just like how she did back on the elevator when we first got here... when Cream Puff mentioned her father...

"You ASSHOLE! TAKE THAT BACK!!" The others stare at us.

"Why should I? I don't have any reason too!"Monokuma replies as I tug on Walnuts sleeve.

"We should go. I don't want anyone to get hurt." She looks at me and backs off Monokuma, dusting off her shirt.

I look over to see Pumpkin and Devil arguing.

"Tsk. I didn't even get one! How rude, I want a cool tablet that displays a reason to commit a mass murder."

"Maybe that's a good thing then! Giving you a reason to kill off another person isn't really a good thing." Pumpkin looks down at her tablet "Especially if it isn't within reason..."

"What's on your stupid screen anyways? I bet it's just a bunch of shitty dresses."

"If it is then it wouldn't be worth a life. Maybe not even yours. Even thought your life is spent on tormenting others, it wouldn't be worth a couple of ugly dresses. Considering it's so useless."

"My life or the dresses..?"

"I don't know myself." She turns around and walks away.

I look down at my tablet. Whatever my motive is must be at least a little decent, right? Surely not something to kill over. Hopefully...

I'll watch it tonight, when I can't sleep... yeah.


We spend the rest of the day watching the motives and talking about the trail. Everyone else has shared their motives, while I haven't even watched it yet. I'm also pretty sure Pumpkin doesn't wanna share hers either.

Onions was ghost related, GumBall was something relating to a coloring book made from the buildings of the outside world, and Snow sugars was friends. These motives are weird...

It's around 6:50 when Monokuma decides to set us all to bed. Monokuma waits for some of the others to get done in the shower before fully putting us into bed. Since he rushed us all last night it was rather comforting being tucked in.

It's 2:42, I still can't sleep.

I don't even feel tired...

Like at all...

I usually sleep just fine but tonight... just not at all.

But I guess this is a good time to watch my motive video as I did say I was going to do that...

I turn on the monopad, the light from it burns my eyes and lights up what was a completely dark room.

It's just a normal tablet but without the camera, games and text or call features. But the photos and game Store where all there. I guess Monokuma didn't wanna limit us into boredom...

I open the gallery app...

There's a single video in the whole thing. I press play on the video.

Pancake and Cream puff... along with everyone else's dead bodies... the video is in hight definition too, it's so gross.

The video ends with no other context, no text no nothing other then the words "Our highness"

I hear knocking on my door. Startled, I turn the tablet off and hide under my blanket.

It slowly opens. Walnut was behind it...

She's holding a pillow and blanket.

"Hey Custard... I hope you don't mind but I can't really sleep... mind if I sleep on your couch?"

"Uh... sure."

"Thanks, since Poison mushroom slept in Strawberry crapes room last night without Monokuma knowing I thought this would be allowed." She puts down her pillow, fluffing it out slightly.

"I guess so. Well, night."

"Oh and by the way, I head you gasp at something. There was also a small bit of light coming from under your door. What's that about?"

"Oh... I'll tell you tomorrow... I'm tired..." I ignore her question. She just shrugs and hides under her blanket. I do the same.

865 words

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