Chapter 2, page 2: Snow cones

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The ringing of the school bell woke me up. It was annoying to hear.

It took me a few seconds for me to get up. Walnut was on the floor with the pillow above her head covering her ears.

Getting up, I lightly kicked Walnut on the head, whispering "Walnut get up" in a quiet monotone voice.

She took her hand off the pillow and slow rose up.

"What time it is..?" She said, turning around to face me before yawning.

"I think 7? Maybe 8? I don't really know." I rub my eye

"Mmm." Walnut gets up "I guess I better head back to my room and change aye? See you in five" she grabs her blanket and leaves. Leaving her pillow on the floor.

I put pick it up and put it on the couch. She'll remember it later... hopefully. I haven't seen her room yet so I don't know if she has extra pillows. I sure don't.

I change.

Leaving my room, a cold draft hits me. I look over to my side, Snow Sugar's room.

The same cookie who saved me when we first got here had what felt like melted snow slowly leak from under the door.

I knock, They open.

"Oh hello! I didn't expect you to come here my king!" They bow slightly, I do the same.

"You sure did something with your room haven't you..?" Stepping in a few steps, the snow crunching under my feet.

"Monokuma said we can do anything with our rooms. We just have to request furniture and wait a few minutes. I don't need furniture. Just a small tent and a little fire." They did the winter aesthetic good. It's quite comforting. They sit down

Although it was could, they didn't seem to mind it. "So why did you come here? I don't really have a snow castle for us to hide in.."

"Oh I just felt the cold wind from outside and decided to investigate. I hope that's not a problem Snow."

"Not at all!" They stand up and bow lightly.

Walnut peeks her head through the door. "Hey guys, we gotta go. We have like five more minutes before Monokuma gets mad!"

All three of us left for the gym.

Almost everyone else was there.

"Hey guys!" Angel turns around to look at us. "We were just deciding what we were going to do today. Any ideas?" They look between the three of us. I'm just in the middle of the other two.

"Sorry Angel, I got nothing." Walnut shrugs as Snow Sugar replies "Same..."

"Well that sucks..."

We all head to sit down on the floor. I look around for the 5th million time this week. Everyone is talking with one another. I sigh

"What good am I if I can't even keep my friends from dying..?" The guilt once again washed over me. I look over to where Angel is. They're talking to Devil cookie. I slowly walk up to Them.

"Hey Angel..? Mind if your king asks you something?"

Angel turns around in surprise

"Oh! Umm.." they turn around and shove Devil off before turning back to me "Go ahead!"

"Ok so... do you feel guilty about Pancakes or Cream Puff's deaths..? I mean they... they both were pretty nice. Plus Pancake taught  you how to fly... kinda- A-anyways! You do feel at least a little guilty right-?"

Angel looks at me surprised and sorta startled "oh... um... well-" The gym door slams open to Strawberry Crape right behind it

"Guys the third floor is open!" All of us slowly get up and leave to see what they're talking about. I follow behind Angel cookie

CookieRonpa: Friends with despair (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now