Chapter 1, page 6: Alibis

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I back up slowly, the others gather around me.. It's so bloody... it's so gross... how could someone so nice be killed off so brutally..?

He didn't deserve it...

A Body has been discovered!

A loud announcement played throughout the library. It sounded like Monokuma

His voice makes my head hurt, it's so hight pitched- I cover my ears just to not hear him, it hurts...

The announcement ends, everyone has split up to look for evidence... As I sit on the floor, doing nothing.

Walnut sits next to me, she starts saying something but the endless ringing from the announcement makes it hard for me to make out anything she's saying.

"Custard!" She taps my shoulder to get my attention, the ringing stops...

"Huh-?! Oh, it's just you..."

"Custard what the hell happened to you? Your in tears..." We're literally in front of the room Pancake got killed in... is she dumb..?

"It should've been me... he didn't deserve it... he didn't deserve anything like this! I failed him as a king..." I lower my face into my arms... Cream Puff passed us.

"Hey now, it'll be ok! We can find who killed him and give him justice! We should look for evidence, maybe his body has a clue..?" I lift my head up, she's standing over me.

"Hey guys! Pancakes neck has a cut right through it..." Cream puff shouts over to us "It has a lot of dried blood around it. Does that help?"

"Wait what?" Walnut looked up "Cream Puff you're amazing! This could help us figure out what happened to him!" She quickly ran up to her.

I quickly followed

"Right there." She lifted up his head and pulled down his collar...

She revealed a rather large cut, it must have been gushing blood... that would explain the blood stains...

Walnut snaps her fingers at me "Custard! You go find the others and ask them for alibis. That'll be important if we ever wanna figure out who did it."

I nod and leave, I take a few seconds to fully leave though. The way they displayed Pancake in such a horrific manner will surely leave a pretty big stain in my memory...

I go straight to the garden. It makes sense since Moon Rabbit was with him all night. I'm sure she knows something. Am I convinced it was her though? Not even close...

"Moon Rabbit..? Where are you? I have a rice cake!" I walk through the garden, plants cover the walls... I hold the rice cake I stole from the ground up high.

"A wif cake? Gimmi!!" She comes from a bush. She's covered in leafs and twigs...

"Hey! Stay off your king! Now... what did you do to Pancake cookie?!" I stomp.

"Pancake? I haven't seen him sinc last ight!" She looks at me, confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, last ight me an Pancake where here eating wif cakes a acorn jellies. when Pancake ran out, he wen to get som! I peeked my head from da boosh and I saw him getting attacked by someone taller den him!"

"Did you see who it was?! Why didn't you stop them?"

"No, they wer covered. Also I was to scared to do anyfing." She looked serious.

"Well thank you, Moon Rabbit... you've been very helpful." I give her the rice cake and run off to find the others.

They've all said the same thing. They were all sleeping when the murder possibly took place. The only exceptions where GumBall, Crape and Mushroom.

GumBall was late-night painting, and the other two where to busy talking about escaping this hellhole of a game... this isn't really a good look...

I head back to Walnut and Cream Puff over by the library. They've seemed to have made much more progress than me.

"So whatcha find? Anything useful for your king to work with?"

"Nope, but we did find this blood stained knife and black robe in the trash on the other side of the library." Cream Puff places everything on the table we were at.

"Actually, Custard, you mentioned that Moon Rabbit said that the person who murdered Pancake was unidentifiable, maybe they used the robe to hide themselves?" Walnuts smart ain't she? Guess it fits her talent.

"He did didn't he? They've both also mentioned that they where taller then Pancake! So using the process of elimination... it goes down to Angel, Devil, Crape, Mush, GumBall, Cherry, Pumpkin, Walnut and I. Along with the alibis you also gave us... Crape, Mushroom, and GumBall!"

"See! Crime salving is fun ain't it guys?" She looks in between us before letting Cream puff finish.

"Anyways, with this information it should make the trail mush easier!" She stood up.

"What about your alibi Cream? Why should we trust you?" I was told to get alibis from Walnut so I don't understand why she looked at me scared when I asked her that.

"Oh... I uh... I was sleeping... why would you ask..?" Her tone changed suddenly.

"I was told to get alibis. Why are you do surprised?"

An announcement played yet again. It made my ears hurt.

"The gym? I guess we should go now..? Come on guys, We can get more accurate alibis later." Walnut leaves the library. We follow her.

886 words

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