Chapter 2, page 4: Three eyed bitch

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I stand there, in the hall. Angel had just left with their back turned towards me. "How rude" I think to myself, slowly going into the hallway to my left.

I probably should go finding my other classmates but why would I? I don't want to force myself upon them. Besides, they seem to be happy without me.

"Wait- where am I going?" Quickly realizing where I am, I turn around. I've been walking for a while now and I'm not really going anywhere, I think?

I think I'm lost... We haven't really been here long enough to explore the hallways of the school so I generally don't know where I'm going. It's dark though.

Turning around to go back I feel something tug on my cape. A soft faint cry fills the dark empty hallway behind me, the smell of onions reeks.

"Don't go! Pumpkin left me here, I'm lost!" It's Onion cookie. I mean, I recognize that voice of course.

"I can help you, if you want of course!" I offer my hand out for hers, she takes it once she realizes I mean no harm towards her.

"T-thanks," I pick her up from off the floor. She snuggles into my chest. Her hair is kinda soft..!

"Where do you think we should go?" I ask as she slowly moves her face away from me. My shirt is slightly wet now but that's ok, I have more!

"To the exit? I feel like t-thats o-oblivious..." I-I mean it is-?

"I mean what direction," She cuts me off. "That way!" She points to my right, which would be her left! So... left? Left! Yes left! No- wait- why does it does matter? Whatever.

"Ok! Let's go!" I grab her hand and we start walking.

She starts whispering behind me. I look at her in curiosity. "W-what?" She gasps under her breath.

"You're saying stuff. What are you saying?" We look at each other as the light from the hall slowly lights up our faces again.

"King sir..? You're hands are cold... like a ghosts hands!" She looks genuinely scared. "I'm not a ghost silly! I'm a king!" I smile at her.

"A king of ghosts? Even worse!" I'm not even dead! At least... not yet...

"I'm not a ghost, I promise! Even if I was I would never hurt you." We make eye contact.

"You're hands are cold." She let's go of my hand and runs off. Rude. I sigh and find something to do.

I decide to go back to where the others where, upstairs.

I see Angel cookie standing at the top of the stairs. They're talking to Cherry. I overhear what they're talking about but it's not really worth repeating.

"Hey Cus Cus!!" Cherry notices me from behind the stairs, she's pointing at me.

"Oh! Custard~~! I didn't notice you there," Angel look behind themselves "I... I should go."

"Where ya goin'?" Cherry complains in her annoying sounding voice.

"Places." Angel's voice echos through the room softly has they leave, the door slams behind them.

"...So... What were you two talking about?"

"Oh..! We were just talking about what we were gunna do once we leave this place!" Cherry turns her body back to me.

"What did you say?"

"Me..?! Oh... I just wanna see my sisters again, the picnics we went on were fun! I miss them..." She starts playing with her hair, looking down to the side as she does so.

"Yeah, I know what it feels like to miss a family member, maybe if we get out we can find someone who'll help us get back home!" I smile as Cherry looks back to me, I can see that cheered her up a little!

A wide smile appears on her face. "I guess I'll just have to make it out alive then! You know what? Imma blow this fuckin' place up once and if we do! As a way of saying," she does the little finger movements you make when quoiting someone.

"I survived!" End-quote.

"Do you think that'll be necessary..?"

"Nope, but hey! If that stops more of these stupid games from happening so what? May the world burn!"

"We- you- You don't need to burn the building down! Wouldn't that be unnecessary?! You have a lot of stuff here, stuff of some value at least?"

"Value of what? I'm already separated from my sisters, why would I find value in anything here?" She looks at me... stink eye.

She... she isn't wrong... there IS nothing of value here. Nothing... nothing at all.

I look down, slowly feeling despair creep up my spine


778 words

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