Chapter 2, page 3: Rocks sand

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"Hello Custard? You in here? I wish to speak with you..!" The winged echo opens the door, I sigh and let them it.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm adoring my new thrown room?" I raise my hand and point at my cool new thrown! I think it's pretty cool anyways.

Playing along with my antics, they reply "well my king, I hate to intrude but some of your subjects wish to have a game night. We wish to let you know."

They leave as quickly as they entered, which wasn't very fast...

I get up and slowly walk to the dooorrrr.

I look out, Angel left me alone in this huge ass hall. rude... but whatever. I know where the others are. The floor isn't too big to the point I could get lost easily.

EhhhhHhHhHHhHHHHHh——! Huh? There's sound coming from the gaming room from earlier! I enter.

"What's going on in here? Huh?" Strawberry Crape is switching through streaming channels on a TV. I wonder where they got it from...

"Hey Custard~! Over here, Crapes putting something on!" Walnut waves over to me, she's sitting on the couch's arm rest.

I turn the light off head over to her, there's nowhere for be to sit since the whole thing is practically taken up by everyone else. I'm their king, I should at least be able to sit on the neck rest.. part? I don't know what it's called... but i would sit on it if Devil wasn't!

I sit on the floor besides Crape because that's the only spot that isn't occupied. A pillow would be nice though, the floor is rather cold.

"What'cha wanna watch?" Crape looks at me.

"Uh... I don't know..? Why are you asking me..?" I look at them confused.

"I thought you might know what to watch." They turn their head back to the TV. Weird little interaction..

"What about that oonnnee?" Poison mushroom speaks out. "This one?" "Yeaahhh"

The video was a year old... I remember that video... I remember watching it when it was released. One of the last things I remember before I woke up. Weird.

The video ends about a few or so minutes later. It was a short video after all, like 10 minutes. Crape puts on another one but everyone is either asleep or gone to do something else. It was really boring.

I get up to leave.

"Where you going? The video just started?" Crape turns their head to me. "Oh... I got something else to do!" I reply and just leave.

I hear Walnut say 'bye' but I just tune it out. I kinda don't care anymore.

Opening the door hits me with a quick burst of cold air.

It's Snow Sugar, of course it is.

They turn to look at me as I slowly step out "My king, I noticed you left the game room, is something wrong?"

"Eh. The video Crape choose wasn't all that entertaining..."

"What was it about?" They ask again, giving me a more curious tone

"It wasn't what it was about, more of who made it..." I shrug

"Well that sucks... maybe we can- Hey where ya going?" I just leave. I'm not doing this, I was told 'game night' not 'boring video'. Blah!

I head down the stairs, ignoring everyone else as they didn't seem to have anything entertaining to say.

I go to the garden.

Pumpkin pie and Onion sit over by a small water stream, they look they're collecting rocks! I kinda wanna join them...

"Hey Whatcha ladies doing? Mind if I join in?" I approach the two, they both look at me. Onion looks a little more surprised than Pumpkin.

"Uh sure... just don't touch PomPon, Or my rocks." I sit beside PomPon, they're holding rocks!

"So how do you do this?" I look over at Pumpkin

"Oh you just stick your hand in the water and grab a rock. It'll be better if you wear gloves to not get soggy, but that's just a personal preference." She puts her hand in the water, moving it around for a few seconds before  pulling it back out with a rock about the size of my hand.

"It's easy if you're not a pussy." She looks at Onion who looks back stunned.

"Whatever, you try." She grabs my wrist and shoves it into the water. It's rather cold.

"Go on, PomPon wants a pet rock!" She moves my hand in the water roughly, it kinda hurts.

After a few seconds she lets go. I take my hand out to reveal a small pebble, It's blue with a heart shape.

"Let me see that!" She takes it from my hand. She stares at it for a few seconds before handing it to PomPon.

"I don't get it back? I found it." We make eye contact.

"PomPon wants a pet rock! PomPon will decide what rock they like the most and no matter of royalty will stop them!" She gets up and grabs PomPon. Onion follows her, holding a few rocks she left behind.

I don't get it. PomPon is a plushie, why would they need a pet ROCK?

I get up. Rock hunting isn't very interesting anyways.

I leave the garden. Kinda useless going in there, there was literally no one in there but the girls.

Angel! I can ask them about that question I asked them earlier!

"Angel Angel Angel!!" I shout their name, they turn their head slightly towards me and quickly run off.


I'm probably never gunna get anything from them am I? Wah...

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