Chapter 1, Page 3: Free time

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Monokuma let us leave the gym. We all leave in groups of 2 to 3.

Walnut goes to talk to Cream Puff, leaving me all alone.

"Custard! Custard!" Pancake comes running up to me from behind, Angel stands behind him.

"Yes Pancake? Do you need something from your king?" I turn to him.

"Wanna watch me teach Angel how to fly? I think it'll be fun! Please, oh pretty pleaseee???" His eyes widened, making puppy dog eyes.

"F-Fine! Only for you! But also since I have nothing else to do..." I blush in slight embarrassment.

"Well com'on! We need to find a good spot to start setting up!" Pancake grabs my wrist and drags me away to one of the classrooms.

"What about this one? Or that one over there?" He brings to to classroom after classroom, soon enough we find a nice one. Although they all look almost the same if it wasn't for the art on the walls and desk arrangements. I'm happy we finally found one through.

"I'm sorry for him my king. He's a little energetic!" Angel apologizes to me for him. I give them a childish laugh before responding.

"Heh! It's ok! It's kinda charming..." It really is though. I think the onesie made it hard to not find him adorable! I think it's apart of the charm he has...

"Angel!" Pancake waves his arm at them, they walk over to him.

•_An hour later_•

The two rap up the lesson as the bell rings for lunch. "So, anyone knows where the lunchroom is?" Angel gets out their book and flips through it to find a map

"Follow me!" Angel raises their hand signaling us to follow them. We do such

We enter the lunch room, everyone but Pumpkin and Devil are here. Wow the room is big...

It's a lot colder here than the rest of the school, it's actually kinda weird since it's almost bigger than the gym... oh well. I'm not the one who built it. Why am I complaining? Snow sugar seems to be enjoying it tho!

It sit next to Walnut, who was seemingly frustrated with something. "Hey Walnut, you ok? You seem mad..?" I tapped her on the shoulder

"Yeah... I just... don't understand why someone would trap a bunch of kids here... pacifically us. What's so special about us that they needed to trap us here and force us to play some stupid game? I don't understand?" She put her hands in her hair.

"Well it's lunchtime, You shouldn't worry about it! I'm sure we'll survive!" She looks at me as the words leave my mouth.

"Are you sure? Everyone else doesn't seem that confident..."

"I promise. whatever is going on, I, Custard cookie the third will find out why we're here! Kings promise!"

She smiles at me.

"I won't let despair take us whole, got that?"

481 words

CookieRonpa: Friends with despair (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now