Setting Sail

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With everything ready for the departure of the Storm Fleet trademark pending, I spend some of the time remaining searching the royal library for information about this new world that the Stork King didn't care to remember.

The kingdom of Abyssinia is ruled by bipedal cat people, The Largest and strongest nation is Equestria, ruled by Ponies. Unicorns and Pegasi with short statures. Ruled by the princess of Day, Recently joined and Co-Ruled by the princess of night.

Both rulers are what's called an Alicorn, a "pony" with a Unicorn horn, Pegasus wings and the strength of an "earth pony" which is just a regular pony.

Unicorn are some of the few Species in this world which can use magic. Other common magical races being Dragons and Deer.

Luckily, the Cats in Abyssinia and the species living in the tribes on the way there don't have magic powers.

Magical artifacts on the other hand...

Almost Every creature can use artifacts.

And I will get an Artifact before I reach Abyssinia.

At least so my soldiers will know an extent of my "Ambition".

Need to keep the Charade up somehow.


"Sire, are you ready to depart?" Strife asks me as I stand on the deck of the largest airship in the fleet. The coloring really painting the picture of an evil conqueror with all the dark blues and grays.

"In just a moment Strife, I would like to send a message to the other ships first." Strife nods his head, if you can call lifting your head up and down as nodding, and follows me to a communications hub in the airship.

The walls decorated with screens of Crystal, connected by magic engineering to other screens of its kind, like a computer screen for Skype calls.

Sitting down in a chair in the middle of the screen filled room, I pick up a Microphone.

"Test test, Hello is this thing working? Yes? Good. People of the Storm Kingdom this is your King speaking," As I speak into the Microphone, all around the fleet, in ships of all shapes and sizes, Storm Creatures look to the radio speakers.

"In ten minutes we will be departing towards the Cat kingdom of Abyssinia, we will be making several stops along the way. If any of you have changed their mind on joining me, you may leave the airship and go home, Nobody will blame you." waiting a few seconds I continue, "However, those of you who stayed will see glory, you will see sights of wonder and sights of carnage, You will Commit acts that will make you a hero and acts that will make you a villain. People will love you and people will hate you, They will look up to you and they will fear you."

As some soldiers along the fleet start murmuring I continue, "But! Do you care what others will think about you?! NO! For we are The Storm, the living Natural Disaster! We will destroy, pillage and conquer until everything is ours!-

-Do we really need those who deny us our ambition?! No! We will trample them under the collective might of our Army! If they join us, Then all good, We will welcome all creatures into the Storm. But should they deny us, We will show them why a natural disaster can't be stopped!-

-We will thrive! We will survive this endeavor and most importantly! WE WILL WIN!"

Turning off the radio broadcast I tell the crew operating my ship to get ready.

"Wow, making speeches is tiring, Did that sound alright? Was that evil enough? Do I need to tone it down a bit or add more evil to it? I really don't know. Who knew being a cartoon villain can be so hard?"

How I started a war in a children cartoon. (OCSI x My Little Pony)Where stories live. Discover now