Non Canon Bonus Chapter

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In the Frozen mountains to the far north sat a cave.

The Hero of our story, after traversing the freezing mountains on his quest to prove himself as the rightful ruler of the entire world, has entered the cave to speak with the old hag inside.

Inside the cave sat a shop stand, the stand was made of wood and was only barely visible from the meagere sunlight entering the icy cavern and a single lamp.

Our Hero and his trusted companion have entered the cave to buy supplies for their legendary journey.

The Hero was covered almost head to toe in white fur, his tail swishing behind him gently in the chill winds of the high mountains, his companion, a talking cloud wearing a suit, followed close behind him.

"Well met, Shopkeep," The Storm King said casually as he looked at the shopkeeper of the icy cavern.

An Old Tortoise woman, her green scales already dulled and greying from age, something rare to see in the long living species.

"Yes, That's right, I'm just a simple Shopkeep, No funny business here, just a standard old hag," She said in her raspy old-hag voice, her eyes orbs of shining gold, her shell covered in a large black cloak.

"Standard?" The Storm King asked, "Bog Standard," The Shopkeep answered.

"Well that aligns with the vibe I was getting," The Storm King said, most likely not thinking about how suspicious a shop in a dark and cold cave is, especially when none of the wares were visible on the stand, "Which was like, Normal Kinda' vibes,"

"I'm Glad you picked up on that," Shopkeeper Kasa said, her smile barely visible under the dark cloak covering most of her face, save for the glow of her golden orbs.

"Sir, Something seems off about this old hag," The Storm King's trusted companion and right-hand man, Strife the whatever-he-was said as he held his chin in thought and looked at the ancient Tortoise.

"What do you mean?" The Storm King asked him to elaborate.

"Yes... Why do you say such things? I'm run of the mill..." Kasa also asked, shrugging with her shoulders under the cloak.

"Listen to this," The Storm King told him with a smile on his face.

"I'm definitely not a Demon or a Ghost in a clever disguise," The Tortoise hag told them.

"Why would she clarify that?" Strife asked out loud, "Isn't that strange?"

"Are you still off in your fantasy world?" The Storm King was starting to lose his patience with how his companion was acting, "No Listen-" Strife tried to explain only for The Storm King to but in.

"She's Normal, Dude, Open close," He pointed at Kasa."Cookie Cutter old hag, Selling Wares, In a Cavern,"

Kasa once more returned to the conversation, "Speaking of wares, traveler, Might I interest you in an apple?" She held out a single red apple in both her clammy hands, a purple skull shaped stain covering the apple as if someone poured grape-juice all over it.

"Woah!" The Storm King exclaimed in amazement, "Is that a skull on it?"

Kasa paused at The Storm King's words, "Uh..."

"No, Listen," The Storm King explained, "I'm into it," He pointed at the Skull Apple with his long furry hand, "That's cool as hell."

"No Red flag there, sire?" Strife asked as he Looked at The Storm King in astonishment.

"Strife, I swear, If you don't let this go you can wait outside the cavern,"

"But-" Strife tried to Defend himself, only to get cut off by the old hag, "Yes... Dismiss the cloud, your one lifeline..."

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