The Irreversible Change: Abyssinia Beginning

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In a small unnamed village by the great Nilus river, a young hippopotamus was poking the desert sand with a stick, drawing pictures on the ground.

"When will something interesting happen?" He asked himself, as he dropped the stick and lay down on the soft desert sand.

The sun was shining bright, the fishermen were busy in the river, sugarcane season is getting closer, and a giant fleet of black airships was approaching fast.

Overall, it was a perfectly normal, boring, regula- A GIANT FLEET OF AIRSHIPS APPROACHING FAST?!!!

Quickly standing up on his log-like legs, his pink hide stretching as he ran towards the village.


Something interesting was happening.


"How goes the search for Twiga's crown?" I ask the crystal screen in the communication room, on another airship in front of a different screen, Jason, the man I placed in charge of hunting down the treasures, answered.

"The search has been going well, your Majesty, We managed to recruit the help of some local Crocodiles to find the location of the shrine holding the crown faster, we already narrowed down the location of the shrine, what's left is confirmation, and then retrieval." He told me, his back rigid as he saluted me through the screen.

"Ho? And what about the crocodiles? Will they be a problem?" He hired local help, outside thinking and good leadership is why I appointed this guy as captain of the Argonauts, but you should always know who you're working with.

There's a reason I don't hire Mercenaries to fight for my army, and my lack of funds isn't it.

"Not at all, sir. The Okapi we saved from the Hyena, Miss Pasim, has been a wonderful help to us all. She earned the Crocs' undying loyalty by mixing a medicine from the local herbs to treat the child of a chieftain, and with them loyal to her, and she loyal to you, there shouldn't be a problem." I don't correct him that the Okapi we saved isn't loyal to me, she's only on the fleet to get to her home quicker.

She'll only be loyal if she either manages to convince her village to join the empire, or leaves the village to join the empire.

"Your Majesty, we will be landing in an estimated 15 minutes," One of the soldiers that actually works in the comm room asks me "Shall we send the message to the rest of the fleet?"

"Send it, make sure that the captains have a list of the supplies they used ready when we land," I order him before turning back to Jason "Make sure the Crown gets here before Abyssinia notices we're at their borders, I'm giving you a month to get back here with the crown, is that understood?" I tell Jason.

"We'll be back before the Cats even notice you're there, your greatness!" He salutes one more, hitting his mask with the back of his hand in the process.

"Very well, Dismissed," The screen shuts off, returning to its reflective blue crystal.

I sit on a chair in the middle of the comm room, simply staring at the crystal screen for ten minutes, before I stand up, give another order to the workers in the communications room, and take my exit.


Down in the Hippo village, the town was gathering around the central plaza, waiting for the chieftain to tell them what to do.

How I started a war in a children cartoon. (OCSI x My Little Pony)Where stories live. Discover now