Pirates on the Run

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On the edges of Abyssinia, acting as a natural barrier between the Cat Kingdom and the Unclaimed Wilderness, sat Crimson Cat Canyon, or Red Canyon for short.

A Long and winding gorge in the sands, 300 Kilometers in length, made of red Stones and sand.

Down the center of the Canyon, a winding River flowed rapidly, breaking against the solid rocks of the canyon and cutting into the cliffs at its side.

"Hah!" It was in the midst of the rapidly flowing river that a certain Bird popped her head out of the water as she gasped for air, struggling against the current, trying her best not to get pulled under the rapids and drown.

"Captain! Over Here!" Captain Celaeno turned her head to see her crew hanging on to a steady-looking rock, trying to reach for her.

Celaeno fought against the rapids, gritting her teeth as her beak shivered in the cold water, the bruises and aches on her body only hurting so much more, but she made it. With an outstretched hand, her crew caught her and pulled her up to safety.

She was alive.

She escaped The Storm King.

"We need to hurry," One of her crewmates said, she couldn't recognize which over the pounding in her head, "We follow downstream, and we should reach the Abyssinian badlands, From there we should be able to get to Klugetown and take a ship back to Ornithia,"

"We'll be out of The Storm King's Territory, Once we're there we should be safe," Another member of her crew added, followed by agreements and nods from all around.

"So It's settled, once this rain is over, we make our way to Klugetown, as fast as we can," Celaeno felt a smirk coming over her face.

They had a plan, and like any good Pirate Crew, they'll make it work.

Because she can't imagine what she'll do if she fails.


"My Liege, The preparations are in place,"

I took a deep breath as I sat in a lotus position in a dark and empty room, The only source of light being the magical artifacts I kept on my body.

I could no longer use the communications hub of the castle as my peaceful sanctuary, seeing as how it is now actively passing along my orders all across my Empire.

And isn't that a weird thing to say, My Empire. The Storm King's empire. I'm in too deep to change course now, I can't risk the chance of breaking character.

If I fail, Everything is lost...

"Strife," I speak, the cloud levitating at the doorframe behind me, "Tell the armies to keep hidden, not to engage unless given explicit permission, and not to show themselves. If the Zebra's understand what my Plan is, we'll have no choice but to attack directly."

"...And what is the plan?" Strife asked after a few seconds of silence.

I answered by chuckling menacingly.

"Oh, You'll see..." I whispered, "Nobody will miss it... Heheheh... Hehahahaha... HahahaHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Is that menacing enough? I hope it is... This fits my Dark Lord who rules from the shadows only to step in at the last moment vibes, right?

I hope I'm not overacting... Oh, screw it!



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