The (Mostly) Abandoned Quarry

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A Quarry is an Open-pit mine utilized for the mining and excavation of Stone, Gravel, Sand and other similar building materials.

The Quarries back in the human world have transitions from a large hole dug into the ground into the process of digging out the side of a cliff.

And looking at the Quarry where The Hyena has supposedly made into her base of operations, I can see why.

You see, the Quarry in the valley outside of the southwestern  looking forest where the Hedgehog and Turtle villages reside, has been abandoned for a very particular reason.

Granite, as it turns out, doesn't absorb water as well as sand and soil. So when it rains, The large circular pit dug into the valley gets filled with water that will take years to dry out or be fully absorbed into the granite.

And since it's really hard to dig Granite up when the quarry you were digging in is now submerged in rain water, It's easier to abandon it and build a new quarry into the side a cliff, hopefully not shaped like a giant bathtub.

Looking at the giant swimming pool taking up a large portion of the valley, I can see why it was abandoned.


"The Hyena and her Henchmen should be in a cave dug into one of the walls in the quarry. It has a red flag hanging off a pole next to it." The dejected hyena prisoner tells the soldiers that I'm sending to capture the bandits.

What, You thought I'd go fight The Hyena myself? No Way.
All my fighting knowledge is from the OSK memories, I ain't testing myself in live combat just less than two weeks after I found myself in this world.

"And where do you fools keep the hostages huh? If your lying I'll spit in your eye!" Cheryl is also here, When she was told that the prisoners are going through questioning she insisted to join.

"Same cave, further back. Please don't spit in my eye." The prisoner explained.


"The Plan is simple, We wait till night, And when the bandits are sleeping we sneak in, free the hostages and when we are sure they are rescued, we detain every bandit in that hideout. Any questions?" A Storm Creature, I think I will start calling them Storm-born from now on to keep things simple, asked the soldiers with him as they wait behind a rock overlooking the quarry.

They can spot the Hideout from where they are, if the red cloth hanging by the pole is anything to go by.

"Yeah, I have a question. Who put you in charge?" Another Storm-born asks the first.

"Who put me in charge? Lord Strife did, He knows I'm the one who can come up with a plan, so he put me in charge of this operation." The first soldier explained.

"Since when does Lord Strife have the authority to put you in charge?" A third soldier asked. The other soldiers in the squad nodding in agreement to the question.

"Since when? Since he became the right hand man to the Storm, Only the king himself has a higher authority in the kingdom, And you don't want to make the king angry." Soldier 1 explained.

"I mean I guess, Lord Strife is basically the one in charge of Micro-managing whats going on in the kingdom, so I guess it makes sense for him to put one of us in charge. So, how are we going to sneak around the bandits?" Soldier 2 asked.

"Did you not listen? We wait for them to fall asleep and then we-" "No, no I got that part, I mean, We aren't very sneaky are we? Won't we just wake up every bandit in the hideout?" Soldier 2 explained as he interrupted soldier 1.

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