The Great Escape

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The sound of clashing metal rang out in the training yard of the Abyssinian castle, A small crowd stood aside and watched the spectacle of a match.

A Bident slammed onto the ground, a cloud of dust blowing away from the force of the two-headed spear's impact.

Jason quickly pulled the Bident back, raising a shield to protect himself from a powerful kick.

Pollux laughed excitedly as she used Jason's shield as a launching pad to jump higher into the air, a wire shooting out from a device on her wrist wrapping around a pillar behind Jason.

The Captain of the Argonauts didn't have time to retaliate as he moved his shield to the side and swung his Bident horizontally, deflecting a thrown Chakram back to Castor as he caught the bladed disk.


"They're Skilled," An Ancient Turtle said as she stood near the front of the crowd of onlookers, "You've done well training them,"

The person the old turtle spoke to merely responded with a nod, his eyes still glued to the match between the three Argonauts.


Pollux smiled from ear to ear as the wire around her wrist started pulling itself in, launching the bald cat in the direction of the Pillar behind the Storm Captain.

Castor ducked low to the ground as the large bladed wheel on his back came loose, grabbing it with his tail as he jumped into the air, spinning around with the large wheel before he threw it at Jason.

Jason grit his teeth as he threw his shield into the air, slamming into Pollux's still-swinging body at high speed, before he rolls to the left, avoiding the large saw-blade rolling in his direction.

Rolling back onto his feet, Jason threw his Bident with a yell of effort, displacing dust and sand just by the wind pressure of the throw alone, as he sent his weapon flying towards Castor.

Pollux tumbled onto the ground, Jason's shield hitting her in the face before she slammed into the pillar she pulled herself towards.

Castor narrowly dodged the Bident, his eyes wide as felt some fur on the side of his arm fall off just by the two-headed spear passing by it. He quickly raised his arms in surrender.

Seeing that the twins were taken out, Jason turned to the crowd and bowed to his king.



Rain pelted the deck of Captain Celaeno's newly stolen airship.

After her dashing and daring prison escape, Four Storm Empire Airships followed chase in hot pursuit.

Lighting crackled in the sky as Celaeno and her crew flew through another Storm, hoping the pursuers wouldn't be able to follow them.

Who knew Storm Empire Airships were highly resilient to stormy weather?

"VERY WELL!" Celaeno shouted over the harsh winds, her claws holding on to the wheel of her ship as hard as she could, If only she had a more modern model she could have stole.

"WE'RE DOING THE ZEBRICAN SLOW DANCER!" Her crew's eyes widened at her order.

"BUT CAPTAIN!" A Fat Pink parrot shouted at her captain, "WE WON'T BE ABLE TO ESCAPE AFTER!"

"WE WILL!!!" Celaeno held on tightly to the wheel as a flash of thunder illuminated the ship, "TRUST ME!"

Nodding their heads with full confidence in their captain, the crew started performing one of the most dangerous airship escape maneuvers they knew.

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