Feathers is the new black

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"For the crimes of Piracy, theft, attempted murder, and illegal aviation in Storm Airspace, You and your crew are sentenced to forty years in Prison!"

Those words she heard three months ago were the nail in the coffin that was her Fate.

"Captain Celaeno, How nice of you to join us," A hyena with a missing ear smiled hungrily at her as she entered the mess hall of her Prison.

To call it a prison would be an overstatement, What she was in was a labor camp.

When she asked a guard why the prison was like this, she frowned at the answer she got.

"Jailhouses are expensive to build, And this city is still new, So until a proper prison can be built, your prison will be the quarry,"

The Quarry, What was once the hideout of a local bandit group was slowly transformed into an open-air prison, Fences surrounded the entire area.

Nobody but the prisoners and guards come in.

And only the guards walk out.

Digging into the mountain, Carrying heavy rocks, turning those same rocks into bricks to send outside the prison.

Each day, over and over, the prisoners will work until their arms shake and their knees buckle. Only to end the day eating tasteless slop, sleeping on hard mattresses, and covering themselves with the thinnest of blankets.

Celaeno scowled at the Hyena with the missing ear, "Zubafu the Earless, How horrid of you to invade my eyesight,"

"Ha! Only the worst for the dumbest bitch in the prison!" Zubafu yelled with a smile, his greasy face scarred from years of banditry.

"He might be a horrible piece of shit," Celaeno thought to herself, "But he's not as stupid as he seems," She glared at the inmate.

It was during her stay at Storm Quarry Prison Camp that Zubafu the Earless took over his old gang as the new leader after their previous boss ran away.

"She's not coming to get us!" He yelled months ago, the bruised body of a fellow inmate dangling in his arms, "She's a coward, always been one always will be!"

"I'm the new boss! Me!" Celaeno had to give him credit, he kept his idiots in line.

"Psst, captain!" Celaeno paused eating her slop when one of her own crew-mates tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention.

And as she listened to him whisper in her ear, her beak turned upwards in a smile.

"Get the gang ready," Celaeno whispered to him, "We're leaving tomorrow,"


The Storm Quarry Prison Camp had as tight of security is it could, Each transport was double and then triple-checked before it could be allowed anywhere near the Quarry.

Guards patrolled the fences, watchtowers saw everything that happened inside and out.

And most importantly, every small change had to go through Him.

The Warden.

A White-Quilled Hedgehog held The Quarry in an iron grip.

"The Warden is leaving the prison for a meeting with officials in Kings Landing today, this is our chance to get out of here," Celaeno whispered to her fellow Parrots.

"But how will we get out?" One of them asked, his eyes surveying the fences high above the quarry, Turtles and Hedgehogs walking around as guards.

How I started a war in a children cartoon. (OCSI x My Little Pony)Where stories live. Discover now