What is Ambition?

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What is Ambition?

Ambition is something that all true villain need.

A Villain without an ambition is nothing but a criminal.

Sauron's ambition pushed him into forging the one ring and wage war on middle earth.

Palpatine's ambitions had him slowly but surely take control over all the planets in the galaxy for the course of several decades until he ruled them all as emperor.

The Jokers ambition was to break something that seemed unbreakable, show that all it takes to ruin somebody is one bad day.

Madara's ambition and search for peace brought him to enslaving all living things under the eternal Tsukuyomi.

Light Yagami's ambition was similar to Madara. Achieve justice by killing criminals, which in itself slowly corrupted him from Justice, to Godhood.

Large Ambitions are powerful.

Grand Ambitions are villainous.

Grand Ambitions are something that I need in order to leave a mark on the history of this world, to be remembered for millennia to come.

Julius Caesar is remembered for being a military genius and turning the Roman Republic into and Empire.

Alexander the great is remembered for his military campaign taking him and his army where no army has ever reached in his time.

Genghis Khan controlled most of the continent of Asia, Turning Mongolia from a simple country of shepherds and farmers into a powerful empire whose reach can still be felt in the modern day.

All of these people, all of them are ancient human conquerors that are remembered and revered by historians thousands of years into the future.

The Ambition of The Storm King was grand but also simple.

Take over the world by use of overwhelming military might.

And my fleet is already beginning to act on those ambitions, But those aren't my ambitions.

The OSK was a fool, He didn't know how to be a king, He wanted money and power and fame and he didn't care how many creatures died for him to get that.

That made him plenty of enemies.

I Have a plan to make less enemies.

I will make the other kingdoms willingly submit.

You join the new Storm Empire peacefully or you join it by force.


In an hours time my fleet will be landing on the continent of Afcari, On it there are three kingdoms that I will conquer and hundreds of independent villages.

The three kingdoms of this magical African continent are in three separate regions.

Abyssinia of the cats in the desert.

Farasi of the Zebras in the Savannah.

And Hippogrifia of the Hippogriffs on mount Arise, and Island of the coast of the continent.

Those are the three main objectives that we have in this continent.

After we take these three, We shall move on to the next.

But Before we begin, we will need the support of the independent villages, The different creatures that live here could support the OSK research into magic and artifacts.

There are Hippos, Elephants and even a fairly notable community of Okapi, who can use certain types of magic.

When we land, The nearest Village that I can see from my airship seems to be of Hedgehogs.

They will join my ranks, If they like it or not...


...Did that sound menacing enough?

I really hope it did.

An Ambition to take over the world might be fairly easy in a cartoonishly simple world as this, But I'm no military genius, No matter how much I can try and imitate and act like one.

I never even read the art of war.

I only held a gun once in my life, When my grandfather took me to shoot at tin cans with a Remington sport rifle.

All my personal knowledge on how to fight is from a few lessons of Krav Maga and practicing kicks in secret when I'm alone in the communication room of the ship.

All those screen on the wall remind me of earth, and it's also quit and nice.

I hope I won't fail...

New Chapter out, Tell me what you think.

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