The Reaping

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I wait for the square to fill up. The Reaping is always held outside of the Justice Building, it's a beautiful white colour, and always clean.
Just behind the Justice Building, is Victors Village, where all the victors live, there are 12 houses there, but only 7 of them are in use.

There have been 11 victors from 2, but 4 of them have died since then. We actually won the past two Games, the 72nd, and 73rd. I hope I can make my district proud and win this years too.

Everyone's here now, and the Victors are walking out  of the Building, and sitting next to the mayor, and escort for district 2.

The mayor stands up, and gives the usual speech about how important the games are, and that they are a reminder that we can never rebel again, and the Capitol are always in control. I don't know why anyone would want to rebel, we have everything we need here in 2, and I know not ever district is like us, but can it really be that bad that you would want to rebel against the Capitol?

The escort, Plato Bloscer, steps forward after a video of the rebellion finishes, and gives his speech.

"Welcome to the 74th Anual Hunger Games, and thank you all for welcoming me into District 2. It is such an honour to be here again this year, and I am so excited to see who will be taking part in this years games on behalf of District 2!"

"Let's start shall we.. We started with boys last time, so let's do the ladies first."

He walks over to the side of the stage I'm near. Where the glass bowl containing 17 slips of paper with the words 'Clove Kentwell' is.

He dips his hand into the bowl, and rummages around for a few seconds. I see one of his painted nails at the bottom of the large bowl, and it curls around a slip of paper. He pulls it out.

"Athena Motts"

I've never been more determined. I run out of the crowd.


She beat me to it. A 17 year old girl I only know from training. I don't know her name, but we both shouted out. I run up to her, she sees me and we start tackling. All I want right now is to be in the Games. But she's ready too. She's older, but I'm taller, and stronger. I give her one punch and her nose is bleeding, she gives me a horrible look, before she says
"Fine. Go. But that's me next year."

I walk up to the stage. People are patting my back as I go up. They're already proud of me. I walk past Selena, and avoid eye contact. I'll talk to her when she comes to say goodbye.

I'm at the top of the stairs, and the Mayor asks my name.

"Clove Kentwell, I'm 15."

"Very well. You certainly know how to put up a fight Clove!" He makes them all laugh.

"And let's put our hands together for District 2's Female Tribute, Clove Kentwell!"

They all clap for me, and I couldn't be happier. I put on my cockiest smirk, and roll my eyes slightly. All 15 years of my life have led up to this moment, on this stage.

Plato moves over to the boys bowl, and pulls out the name Ryker Lais, but an older boy called Cato volunteers. No one fights him for the glory of being in the games.

They clap for Cato, then clap for us both, before we are taken inside.

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