The Pyramid

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We get to the nearest pedestals, and start digging, until we reach the explosives not far beneath the surface.

Once we've got them all, we put get all of our supplies and pile them up into a huge pyramid, and dig various holes around the huge pile.

We then tell the new member of our alliance, that if he can't reactivate the mines, he's as good as dead. And he sets to work.

After half a day, he says he's ready to bury them. And we do. We leave little piles of mud on top of each mine, so we know to avoid them. We of course have some food with us at all times, but whenever we need extra, we jump over the buried bombs, and get food.

The bombs where put in front of every pedestal, and deactivated after the minutes wait before the games. If you jumped off early, you where blown up.

This happened to a girl years back, when she dropped her token, and it set off the bomb next to her. Apparently, they had to literally scrape her from the ground to send her back to her District.

We set the mines up so no one can steal our food when we're out hunting. We're not completely sure, but it seems like a little bit of food disappears every time we leave.

We all go to sleep inside the Cornucopia, and when no one's looking, I silently mourn over my friends deaths. They're bodies where grotesque, it made me sick thinking about it.

I wake up, to the sight of something smoking deep into the forrest. I tap Marvel to wake him up, and point it out to Cato who was keeping guard while we slept.

We agree that we can't all go, and the boy from 3, Noah, can stay here and keep watch of the food. He's only young, but it's better to have someone than no one.

We head off, setting a few traps in the meadow, and some in the trees as well.  They could catch food or other tributes.

We each have a backpack today, with little bits of food in, some water, and mine has knives in, Marvel has his net, and Cato has a blade.

We come across the fire, but there's no one here. Then we notice more smoke.

"Maybe they moved, didn't want us to find them right away."

So we try to locate the second fire. After a while of looking, we all agree that me and Cato will wait at the Cornucopia, incase the idiot isn't at the other fire, and Marvel will go and see.

We're nearing the Cornucopia, when there's a huge blast. I see the blinding light shooting through the thin trees, and movement near the tree line.

My ears are ringing. We run through, and all of our stuff is gone. Someone's blown it up.

Noah runs up to us, his face has a big gash under his left eye. Catos enraged. He starts screaming at the little boy. I try to calm him down, but he grabs onto the boys face, and twists it, there's a deafening crack, and he falls to the floor.

We decide the best thing to do now is to see what else we have. But there's nothing. Just rubble. I'm panicking now, I've never lived without a full mean every day.

We stay here a few days, when there's a cannon. Marvel must have found the fire setter.

However, a few minutes later, there's another cannon. Maybe he found another victim.

We leave, to walk around the woods a bit, to potentially find someone to pick off.

The anthem starts to play, and we look up to see Marvels photo in the sky. I gasp, and it's followed by the girl, Rue, from 11. She must of set the fire.

Then, Claudius Templesmiths voice booms over us.

"Announcement! We have decided to change this years rules.. 2 Victors may come out of this years games, BUT, only if, they originate from the same district.. That will be all. Thank you."

I look at Cato, we can both go home, if we get rid of the others.

We go back to the Cornucopia, and decide the best thing is rest. We've worked out that the only people left, are us, the girl from 5, the boy from 11, and the two from 12.

The next day, at what I guess is noon, an announcement is made.

"Tributes! We have decided to be.. rather generous.. Tomorrow morning, we will hold, a feast. All of you need something, desperately. We are willing to provide this. You do not need to go. But we recommend that you do.  Good luck."

A feast. I don't know what we need desperately, apart from food I guess.

Me and Cato run for cover in the trees, and we come
up with a plan. Cato will scout the trees for any other tributes, and I'll run in and grab the bag. And if Miss Everdeen crosses my path, we'll Cato says I can deal with her if I put on a good show.

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