7. Photograph

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 A soft rustle made me glance around my room. I hadn't switched on the lights, leaving my room dark save for the single beam of moonlight streaming in from the window. The silver light cascaded on the carpet and I saw the familiar white origami. I jumped up to my feet, making my way over to the window and leaned down, my throat tight. I had to warn whoever it was to leave immediately. However, the sight below made my heart ache with longing.


I couldn't see his face well, save for the tuft of dark, wavy hair under his hoodie. He waved up at me, gesturing at our front door as I nodded and swiftly ran downstairs. It was dark outside, much to my relief. I didn't know where dad was, but I wished to never find out.

I opened the door and without waiting for him to say anything, grabbed his arm and pulled him in. His eyes widened as I quickly pressed a finger to my lips, urging him to stay quiet. I gestured at the staircase as we slowly made our way to my room. I finally let out a breath when we entered and I shut the door behind me before rounding on him and whispered, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too, Goldie," he smirked before completely ignoring my question and starting to stroll through my room. He shoved his hands into his jeans as he gave a low whistle. "Saving on electricity are we? How noble."

"Zeph...y-" I bit my tongue the moment that I spoke. I could tell him to leave, but I didn't want to. Besides, my dad was probably at the House anyway. We should be fine till the morning. And if not, maybe I could just leave with him?

A tiny click sounded and my dim yellow night lamp came on. Zeph walked over to the bedside table, his eyes falling on the dusty photo frame that I kept there. "This your mom?" he picked the frame up and showed it to me. I glanced halfheartedly at the photograph of my mom from her wedding day. I nodded.

"Hm, you look nothing like her. Odd. I've never seen your dad but I guess you look more like him. Is he pretty?"

"You can't stay here," I said finally, walking closer to him and ignoring his odd question. "We...we possibly can't stay here."

"Not very hospitable are you?" he chuckled. "What's the rush? Did you mayhaps have plans?"

I raked a hand through my hair. His casual attitude wasn't going to help. If my dad could use his powers on me, I shuddered to think what he would do to Zeph.

"Dad knows about you. And...he knows that I know you guys. He's...if he finds you here he will really hurt you."

Zeph was the most stubborn person I knew. Maybe in a way, it was necessary. For his survival out on the harsh streets. And I doubted he would take my warnings seriously

He didn't seem to hear anything I said, instead casually reclining on the bed as he moaned, "Damn. It's been like a decade since I've been on a real bed."

It struck me for half a second just how completely different our lives were. How I didn't think twice about the basic things I had been granted by birth, while for him, everything seemed remarkable.

"Your dad knows about me you say?" he asked. "What exactly?"

"I'm...I'm not sure," I said. "He asked me today who I'm fraternizing with. That he knows it's people from the underbelly. And...you know how much he's against all the gangs down there. Especially Hawks. If he finds out I'm in contact with you-"

He didn't react, in fact, he didn't seem to be listening at all. He was gazing at the mattress, his lips slightly parted in awe. 


"It's so weird. It smells like you."


"The bed. The sheets. Odd. I never noticed..."

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