16. Nightscape

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"This better be fucking worth it," I panted as I managed to prop myself at the highest point of the drainpipe, holding on for my dear life. 

"I hope so too, " Zeph laughed as he crouched down and grabbed my hand, pulling me against him and onto the roof of the strange building. I landed on my knees, glancing up to see nothing except a few empty barrels lying around. 

"What the fuck is this?"

"Not this, Goldie," Zeph clicked his tongue, pulling me to my feet. "It's quite far from here. Follow me."

We ran across the roof,  I waited as he kicked a ladder so that it made a bridge into the next building. 

"I...I don't like heights," I admitted as I glanced down at the dark street below. 

"I know," Zeph said, grabbing my hand. "Trust me."

And although every nerve and sinew in me told me it was a bad idea, I followed him. We ran for what felt like hours, climbing several ladders, crossing bridges as the city of Lightfall seemed farther and farther away. 

"Zeph...I'm fucking...dying..." I said as we ran across what looked like an abandoned playground. 

"Tragic," Zeph said and I almost jumped at the way he suddenly appeared behind me. 

"Can you not do that? It freaks me out."

"Just this?" he grinned as he took a few steps back, completely disappearing into the shadows. "What about this?"

"Stop," I warned, struggling to catch my breath as he still laughed, somehow not out of breath. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

He disappeared again, this time for an uncomfortable amount of time. 


"Hey hey hey," he emerged out of the shadows, a cheesy grin on his face. "What are you full naming me for?"

"Are you kidnapping me?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "Where the fuck are we?"

"Finally you caught up," he said, sighing. "I am kidnapping you. I have an elaborate plan all chalked out. I'm gonna bind you and gag you and then ask daddy for five hundred thousand luxes." 

I kicked him on the shin. He let out a yelp of pain as I grinned in satisfaction. "Keep your kinks away from me, weirdo."

"You're telling me you're not into it?" he grinned, clearly enjoying this way more than he should. I felt my cheeks burning. What was I thinking? Trying to mess with him?

"That's not for you to know," I muttered, turning away so he wouldn't see me blushing. 

"Who is to know about it then? Kai?" he said, nudging my shoulder playfully.

My entire face burnt as I scowled, "Shut up. You seem oddly obsessed with him to tell you the truth. Maybe you've got a little crush on him?"

He gave a loud bark of laughter, all sense of sarcasm dropping from his voice. "Honestly? No. I actually really dislike him."

"Oh," I hadn't expected him to be so up front about his feelings. What had Kai even done to upset Zeph? "He...he can be a little annoying at times."

"It's not that," he shrugged. "It's just..." he held my gaze as my heart started to race. "I don't like...to share...what's mine."

I blinked, unsure of what he meant. "You-?"

"And besides," he shrugged, "I just don't like his vibes. I'd keep my guard around him. Also...you're seventeen galaxies out of his league so there's that."

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