19. Ruse

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I spent a couple more hours with Kai. Thankfully, due to whatever reason, he seemed to perk up. Rambling on as I mumbled along half heartedly to the one-sided conversations. The image of his dark expression burnt into my brain. His words, returning to me, sending shudders through my body. 

Around afternoon, I decided to leave. Not only was being around him getting unbearable, I also couldn't wait to tell Zeph that I had seen Zelos. How would he react? When he had seen his brother, he had been really upset. But wasn't it some relief that atleast Zelos looked healthy? And maybe outside training, happy? Moreover, I could get some information from Kai about Zelos. If I was smart enough about it, it shouldn't be a problem. Kai didn't know about my relation to Zelos. He would think my questions were simply borne out of curiosity.

Much to my dismay, Kai escorted me to the main entrance. I turned to look at him. How could I comfort him? I hadn't expected him to tell me so much in such a little time. 

"Thanks for everything," he said, glancing at the car waiting on the road. 

"I...I had fun," I lied again, but he didn't seem to be listening, his gaze distant. "Er...bye then."

Just as I turned to leave however, a vice-like grip on my wrist made me yelp. I turned around, my heart racing in terror before realizing the shocking force was coming from Kai. He let my wrist go immediately, his eyes wide. As if he had realized his actions too late. 

"I freaked you out didn't I?" he said, his shoulders slumping. Some semblance of his real self, or maybe, his fake self, seemed to be returning to him as he pouted, his lower lip jutting out slightly. 

"Er...I was a bit surprised, that's all," I shrugged. "I don't really know how to react in certain situations." 

"I probably wouldn't know that either," he said. "I...I do really appreciate you...a lot, Aster." 

"Thanks, Kai," I said, taking a tentative step backwards. 

"We can meet before the weekend too," he said in a single breath. "I'm...I'm free," he said. 

"Er...I don't think I am," I lied. "I j-"

He reached for my hands, clasping them in his as he spoke, his eyes shining. "Please? I...I really like being with you."

I struggled to keep my face straight. His touch was making my skin crawl. What the fuck had gotten into this guy? Or had he always been this way and the mask of sanity had simply slipped off? 

"No, Kai," I said, gently pushing him back. "I have plans. I'm unsure about the weekend as well," I said. Previously, I wouldn't have minded to go out with him to grab some lunch, but with recent developments, the thought of being with him made my stomach turn. 

"Like...with someone...else?" he asked slowly. 

"That's not really any of your business," I said, jerking my hand away from  him as he staggered back. 

"We could watch a movie or something if you'd like," he said. "I'll treat."

His audacity was slowly getting on my nerves. I had earlier found his crush endearing, but he was quickly making his way into frustratingly persistent and downright creepy. 

"No," I said. "Bye."

I turned and left, extremely aware of his gaze burning into the back of my head. Maybe he would be back to his usual self  next time I had the misfortune to meet him. Or atleast, I could hope.  

I asked the driver to leave me at the main mark, telling him there were a couple of things I needed to buy and made my way towards the Nest. I had to go and see Zeph, to hopefully take my mind over whatever the fuck had taken hold of Kai. 

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