13. The Lies, So Sweet

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I felt like throwing up. 

What had I been thinking? Agreeing to my dad's invitation? A week of etiquette training wasn't enough. A month or even a year wasn't enough. I would be among people who had been born and brought up in this way. How will I ever compete?

"We are there in five," the driver called from the front seat and I gulped, trying to take deep breaths to calm myself. On the positive side, at least I got to meet my siblings. Maybe that was something? 

I glanced at my wrist watch. The expensive one I had got for my eighteenth birthday and never worn. In many ways, attending the ball was extraordinarily remarkable for me. Not only because it was my first public appearance- so to speak, but also because it was the unofficial step into adulthood. I remember how excited each of my siblings had been when they had gone to the ball. How initially I had been excited as well. Before over the years I had realized that I would perhaps not receive that treatment. Maybe I wouldn't have, if not for the House elders to be so interested in me. The thought was flattering as well as terrifying. 

Way too soon, the car pulled up in front of large iron grilled gates. Two streetlamps basked the area with shimmering light which paled in comparison to the colossal building a few hundred meters inside. I couldn't remember if I had ever been to the House, except perhaps for my first birthday which was ritualistic in Lightwielders. The House was a tall, massive building,  comprising of three separate structures. Two plane buildings on either side and a domed one in the center. Every inch of the buildings was spotless white. A boulevard like structure led to the front stairs of the building which could possibly qualify as a palace. And suddenly, I felt extremely under dressed and unprepared. 

I took a deep breath and  stepped out of the car. According to dad's instructions, I would find him at the entry. So all I really had to do is walk straight through the boulevard and towards him. I found the gates open, much to surprise it was unmanned. The Elders didn't seem to worried about security. I walked along the spick and span ground, taking in the undoubtedly mystical surroundings. I could see in a distance to my far right, a large fountain with an angel, spreading her wings. On my left was a large gazebo- white, like every other structure. Lined by pink flowers. The tendrils of the plant embracing the gazebo almost lovingly. If I hadn't felt nauseous, I would have been able to appreciate the beauty of the place a lot more. 

Much to my surprise, the door of the building opened before I could reach it. I could see four adults, my dad, the woman whom I had met earlier and an unfamiliar man. They gazed at me intently I almost stopped in my tracks, my heart racing. 

"Ah, finally, the fabled Asteroth Lightwielder," the unfamiliar man said, his eyes fixed on me in an almost interrogative way. He didn't blink, nor look away, simply staring at me like I was some spectacle. 

"May the light be with you," I said, giving a short bow and almost proud of myself for remembering that greeting from my classes. My dad half smiled in what I assumed was approval before he introduced me. 

"We have previously met of course," the woman said. "I must say, it is wonderful to see you here today. Not to mention that you do look extremely ravishing!"

The woman glanced at my dad, a strange expression on her face that I couldn't quite place. She almost looked smug, a hint of a knowing smirk on her face. 

I knew that I should have returned the compliment, but somehow between her smug look and the nervous churning in my stomach, I couldn't get myself to say anything. "Please, let's head inside," my dad said and I quickly followed him into the building- which in my mind I could only imagine to be a palace. The floor was carpeted in thick red, shiny wooden wainscotting on the walls. Multiple hallways and doors that were almost overwhelming. The entire place was lit up with golden lights. A massive chandelier hung overhead as waiters rushed about the place with trays and carts of delicious smelling food. 

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